Eyewitness to PNH Outburst Refutes CHORF Cover Story

This blog’s regular readers may recall Tor Science Fiction Manager Patrick Nielsen Hayden’s unprofessional outburst in response to my editor’s appeal for reconciliation at this year’s Hugo Awards. Now, more than three weeks after the fact, Teresa Nielsen Hayden emerges with a markedly (and conveniently) different version of events.

Lamplighter’s the one who got warned that she was pushing the limits on the convention’s code of conduct.

Here’s a denial: Patrick didn’t even raise his voice to Jagi Lamplighter. JCW fabricated the entire story.

Not having been there, I can only offer my testimony as a character witness for the Wrights. They are two of the most generous, most honest, and yes, holiest people I’ve had the honor of working with. Still, my appraisal of the Wrights’ high moral character understandably carries less weight than eyewitness testimony.

Thankfully, we have that, too.

…I couldn’t hear what PNH was saying, all I could hear was volume and Jagi coming away chagrined. She had gone over to offer an olive branch and got yelled at for her troubles.

There was only one (very short) time when the Wrights were at at the ‘con when I or my husband wasn’t nearby. Get the fabricators to ‘splain when Jagi was “cautioned.” Unless they get very lucky, I suspect I can prove they’re lying.

May indie hasten the decrepit and corrupt legacy publishing cartel’s collapse.