Finding the Time to Blog with Russell Newquist

Author Russell Newquist is one of those ultra-productive people who seem to inhabit a time warp where there are 72 hours in a day. Here he shares his secrets for prolific blogging. Sleep is for the weak. I honestly probably don’t sleep enough. I average six to seven hours of…
Which Iron Man Film Is the Best in the Series?

Which Iron Man Film Is the Best in the Series?

It's the series that turned a comic book character nobody had cared about since the Cold War into the hottest IP on the planet and redeemed its star's career in the process. Initially considered a huge gamble, the Iron Man franchise kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe--a coup that the competition…

Geek Gab with Author Declan Finn

It's time for another geektastic episode of Geek Gab! This week Daddy Warpig, John, and I talk vampire fiction with Declan Finn, author of the Pius Trilogy and Sad Puppies 4 favorite Honor at Stake. In indie publishing news, Declan just got the rights to his books back. He's now self-publishing Honor…
Kindle Fire Nethereal Giveaway

Kindle Fire Nethereal Giveaway

Author Robert Kroese is giving away a Kindle Fire to one lucky winner. To make the deal even sweeter, he's loaded the Kindle with ten books by celebrated science fiction authors, including my own debut novel Nethereal. You've got until June 7th to enter. Get cracking! P.S. Even if you don't…