They Get It

They Get It

Reader anonme proves that wise men only speak when they have something to say in this comment on yesterday's post: I generally stay out of your essays on liberty, freedom, individuals et al, but I'll chime in briefly. I've long had a theory that you have abandoned conventional politics, instead…
I’ve Never Met an Individual

I’ve Never Met an Individual

Conservatives and Libertarians continue to volunteer evidence for my assertion that their empty posing and incoherent ideologies are standing athwart attempts to stop the Left's destruction of the West. Exhibit A: Conservative reader Nate Winchester's comments on the relative effectiveness of appeals to reason and emotion. There's two catches. The…
Individualism Is Kill

Individualism Is Kill

Having consistently pointed out that individualism is a noxious acid eating away at the social bonds, family ties, and institutions of the West, I was pleased when a Libertarian ideologue showed up in my Twitter feed to provide a wealth of colorful examples. Radical individualists' white-knuckled clinging to their self-contradictory…