Thanksgiving remains the only major holiday that the forces of American consumerism have yet to fully commercialize–though not for lack of trying. Gathering with family and giving thanks to God for the year’s blessings is still the centerpiece of the day.
I’m especially thankful for my readers. Living my vocation as a writer would be utterly impossible without you. Thank you for giving me a career that most aspire to but few indeed attain. I thank God for the talent and skill to keep you entertained and perhaps offer an hour’s escape from the cares of this world.
Whatever trials and sorrows beset you, take today as an occasion to cultivate gratitude for every gift you’ve received. As disciples of Christ know, everything is a gift–even the suffering that can seem arbitrary and pointless. Because through the Cross, we can join our suffering to His.
Enjoy the feast with your family. Count your blessings, and say a prayer of thanks.
And if tonight you’re tempted to stand in line freezing your ass off till the clock strikes midnight and the shops open, stay home just this once. Perhaps instead you could call that old college friend you’ve drifted apart from and let him know you think of him now and then. Instead of seeking perishable goods, you could give your loved ones the infinitely greater gift of your presence.
Finally, before you turn in for the night with a full belly and hopefully a full house, you can meditate on the bountiful era in which we are blessed to live and recall that this world is passing away.
Happy Thanksgiving,
-Brian Niemeier