How Winning Gets Done

How Winning Gets Done

By doing away with the Individual Mandate, the Trump Administration created a potentially fatal vulnerability in Obamacare's constitutionality that the Republican party has actually managed to exploit. Core provisions of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, were ruled unconstitutional by a Texas judge on Friday following a lawsuit…
Hollywood Can’t Sonic

Hollywood Can’t Sonic

A professional animator explains why the Hollywood version of beloved video game icon Sonic the Hedgehog looks like blue cancer. Hollywood's meddling with this wildly successful Japanese character is doubly stupid because, if you read Console Wars, you know that Sonic the Hedgehog has at least as much American as…
The Freak Amendment

The Freak Amendment

One defining feature of the American Left is their visceral hatred of the Second Amendment. Conservatives and libertarians accuse the gun-grabbers of wanting normal people left at the mercy of Big Brother. They're not wrong, but that's just a practical consideration. It doesn't fully explain the Left's rabid loathing of…
To Whom Shall We Go?

To Whom Shall We Go?

An important reminder that conversion is a grace, and God calls whomever He wills. No, not to anime fandom. To the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Praise to Our Lord Jesus Christ and welcome to Not John Daker. May the Lord draw you into ever closer communion with Him…
What Slippery Slope?

What Slippery Slope?

The vast overreach perpetrated by the Coalition of the Fringes in their Trump-induced frenzy is beginning to make normies take notice. From William M. Briggs: Long-time school teacher Peter Vlaming was fired for saying these words: “Don’t let her run into the wall.” Problem is, the lunatic parents of the…
Love of Theory…

Love of Theory… the root of all evil, as the otherwise quite astute Z Man demonstrates as he fails to see the epistemological corner his penchant for biological determinism paints him into. Part of what drives the persistence of bad ideas is they seem to address a need among modern people to…
What Principle?

What Principle?

Breitbart reports on a recent poll that asked if employers should make room for Muslim employees to pray at work, then asked the same question about Christians. The results were broken down along Liberal and Conservative lines. It should come as no surprise that more Liberals favored giving Muslims prayer…
Another Comparison to Galaxy’s Edge

Another Comparison to Galaxy’s Edge

The Injustice Gamer compares and contrasts a few established and upcoming newpub projects, including the formidable Galaxy's Edge  and my own Combat Frame XSeed. Galaxy's Edge does a lot of stuff very much right. They started with a bang, filling a desire with their #starwarsnotstarwars postings on twitter, and marketing that…
Smrt Stories

Smrt Stories

My earlier post on SJWs cannibalizing the once-mighty White Wolf Publishing occasioned a friend to recommend the 2004 video game *deep breath* Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Having lacked a PC capable of running the game back then, I missed it the first time around. I wasn't the only one, either.…
The Sixth Four Horsemen

The Sixth Four Horsemen

Best selling author and indie publisher Chris Kennedy has an exciting announcement for readers of the enormously popular Four Horsemen anthology series. I know many of you enjoy the action-packed Mil SF of Mr. Kennedy and his co-authors, so my readers should find the following announcement of particular interest. That's…