It’s my sincere pleasure to make the announcement that my readers have been eagerly waiting for. The first book in my new mecha Mil-SF series Combat Frame XSeed is now live on Amazon!
The future is over.
Civilization on Earth has collapsed. Oligarchs have established a new order in manmade space colonies at the Earth-Moon LaGrange points.
A group of powerful colonies form the Systems Overterrestrial Coalition to re-civilize the earth, but grounders view the colonists as hostile meddlers. The Coalition counters the rising violence with giant manned robots called combat frames.
The independent L3 colonies denounce the war on Earth. In response, Coalition Security Director Sanzen takes L3 leader Josef Friedlander’s wife and daughter hostage. Amid the tense standoff, Friedlander’s son Sieg launches an unsanctioned rescue mission to L1’s Byzantium colony.
Brian Niemeier brings the same otherworldly imagination from his award-winning Soul Cycle to the mecha genre, creating an homage to Gundam that is as much political thriller as it is military science fiction. Yet XSeed is no mere copy of the venerable mecha franchise. Niemeier captures the spirit of the real robot genre without resorting to the thin reskinnings that plague many Western copies of Eastern genres. And at a time where Western mecha are trapped in the space marine battlefield grinder, the twists and turns of XSeed are a fresh and exciting take.
The TLDR summary review: Do you like action-thriller scifi? Do you like giant robots blasting each other? Then this is the series for you.
Brian Niemeier’s #AGundam4Us entry is a solid, action-filled romp with giant robot-like “combat frames”, space colonists and terrestrial citizens coming to blows, and smart characters in both physical and philosophical conflict, all wrapped up in a near future Earth setting that will be chillingly familiar to the reader.
Before you get the end of this book, you’ll be reaching for the sequel. Don’t worry — it’s coming.
If you want science fiction, action, and adventure, then this is your ride! Hop in and strap on that 5-point harness!
-Amazon Customer
"The future is over."
Perhaps, but that means it's time for a new future to begin.
The future is now.
Exactly right.
Congrats! I wish you well with this project.
Thanks, JD!
>As a result, it can honestly be said that not only does Combat Frame XSeed have greater reader appeal than the Soul Cycle, it's my best book yet.
Here is hoping it is your most successful launch as well.
Thank you!
I'd been scrolling past this every time it came up, because warmechs aren't really my genre, but I've got to say, the plot premise sounds WICKED.
The impetus behind #AGundam4Us is to create fun stories that escape the trope traps that both Western and Eastern mech series are mired in.
No refrigerator-shaped, nihilistic space marine cutouts fighting the same gritty battle on repeat. No twee high school slapstick shattering the dramatic tension. No existentialist gray goo endings. I'm not saying CFXS is for everybody, but everybody can find something to relate to.
Thanks for the helpful feedback!
"It's my sincere pleasure to make the announce-"
*click* *click* *click*
"-ment that my…"
I know what I'm reading tonight. This will make for a good pause from Thucydides and get me past the dreaded 0130 doldrums. Can't wait!
CFXS has no Thucydides references, but there is a firsthand account of the night before the Battle of Salamis.
Excellent. Bought, and waiting to read after I finish Jagi’s Rachel book #2.
Bless you, sir.
A story to re-kindle the imagination! Well done, Sir!
You humble me.
Brian, Strange Matter is leaking into the real world…
It'll be a hoot if that one turns out to be prophetic!
On my to-do list, looking forward to seeing how your style and the story adapt to each other 🙂
Thanks. I deeply enjoyed bringing my stylistic flourishes to a new genre. Hope you like the results.