The First One’s Free

The First One’s Free

The phrase "taking the red pill" has become a bit of a cliche in dissident circles. It's so shopworn that pointing out it's a cliche is becoming cliche. That's not to say the metaphor is ineffective. Tropes are tropes because they work. It's also been frequently observed that getting redpilled,…
Combat Frame Data: XCD-103

Combat Frame Data: XCD-103

XCD-103 Eisenpferd    Technical Data Model number: XCD-103 Code name: Eisenpferd Nickname: Iron Horse Classification: heavy assault combat frame Manufacturer: Browning Engineering Corporation Operator: HALO First deployment: CY 40 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 19 meters Weight: dry weight 105 metric tons, full weight 165 metric tons Armor type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output…
Put Down the Ayn Rand

Put Down the Ayn Rand

Wherein author Alex Hellene speaks authoritatively on a subject that weighs heavily on my mind, as well: busting the Big Tech trusts. Get over your knee-jerk “Muh private businesses!” conditioning and realize these tech giants do not care about the Constitution, fair play, freedom of speech, competition, or any classical…
The Long Shadow

The Long Shadow

Lately I've been going back and watching movies from the 80s with an eye to overlooked gems that I'd somehow managed to miss all these years. A lot of Gen X and Gen Y folks look back on the 80s as a Silver Age--a George Lucas remake of the Golden…
Fear the Future

Fear the Future

Recently I was honored to appear on the 100th episode of the JimFear138 podcast. Listeners are always in for a good time when Jim and I get together, and this time may have been the best yet. On this very special episode, we delve into the lore behind Combat Frame…


Hollywood atheists spent the 70s, 80s, and 90s preaching a counter-gospel through movies and TV shows that went like this: "Religion has been holding humanity back. We'll usher in a bright, sexy utopia of pure reason once we free ourselves of bronze age superstition." You couldn't pick up a DAW…
An Open Air Debtors’ Prison

An Open Air Debtors’ Prison

The crushing student debt crisis, compounded by several states' practice of revoking the professional licenses of debtors who fall behind on their student loan payments, is creating an underclass of economic exiles in their own country. Student loan debt is one of the biggest burdens to young Americans, recently ballooning…
We Can’t Have Nice Things

We Can’t Have Nice Things

After Ethan Ralph, host of popular news and humor show The #Killstream, had his account purged by YouTube, he and other dissenters migrated to streaming startup Now, mere months later, has suddenly shut down their site. Ralph waded into the tide of wild speculation following's closure to…
The Unholy Tribunal

The Unholy Tribunal

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you've seen me chronicle how Conservatives forfeited the entertainment industry to the Left while putting up only token resistance. Now the chickens have come home to roost. Creators who dissent from the rabid death cult the Left has curdled into find…
The Amazon Age

The Amazon Age

Pulp Archivist takes to Twitter to ask: Oldpub is dead. The Amazon age is truly upon us. How do publishers make money? You might say, "by selling books," and you'd be wrong. Books aren't commodities like TVs and toothpaste. They're pure information. Nobody buys just one book, and eBooks have…