Leftists are flocking to Satanism, which shouldn’t surprise you if you’ve been following this blog.
The Satanic Temple is the perfect religion for progressives. You can believe anything you want, as long as you hate what Donald Trump, Christians and conservatives believe. Unlike the Church of Satan, the Satanic Temple doesn’t even believe in a supernatural entity called Satan. Instead, they celebrate Satan as “the ultimate rebel”, and they relish in using the symbol of Satan to greatly upset Christians. The Satanic Temple was founded in 2013, and from the very beginning it was clear that they were primarily a political movement. In fact, they openly tell prospective members that the only real requirement for joining is to believe “in the political and secular actions” of the group…
What are the Satanic Temple’s political beliefs? Here’s a hint:
“The Satanic Temple attracted ‘thousands’ of new members in just the first 36 hours after the election of Donald Trump,” the group reported. “The 4-year-old temple, which had a pre-Trump membership of around 50,000, has never before seen a spike in registration nearly this big.”
“We’re definitely a resistance movement,”spokesperson and co-founder Lucien Greaves said after a speech outside the University of Colorado Boulder. “We stand in stark opposition to this idea that we must unify under a single religious banner.”
The media are working to raise the Satanic Temple’s profile, as well. Huffpo recently ran a puff piece on the blasphemous organization titled “Satan Is Having a Moment.”
Satanists, it turns out, are everything you think they’re not: patriotic, charitable, ethical, equality-minded, dedicated to picking up litter with pitchforks on an Arizona highway.
That much is clear in the fantastic new documentary “Hail Satan?” — which chronicles the rise of the Satanic Temple, a movement that has little to do with its titular demon. Founded in 2013, the organization is equal parts modern-day religion, political activist coalition and meta cultural revolution. By reclaiming the pop iconography that has long frightened evangelical America ― devil worship, ritualistic sacrifice, horns, pentagrams, the so-called Black Mass ― the Satanic Temple aims to catch people’s attention and then surprise them with messages of free speech, compassion, liberty and justice for all.
The Satanic Temple actually does celebrate the black mass, which is a sacrilegious inversion of the Divine Liturgy.
And if you think it’s hypocritical for an avowed secular Liberal organization to adopt Satanic symbolism and ritual, you fail to grasp that Liberalism was devised as an assault on Christianity from the start.
It’s no coincidence that the Satanic Temple champions free speech. The Enlightenment compromise sold as a way to prevent violence between Christians was a Trojan Horse designed to soften us up for our enemies.
Consider: The First Amendment is why we can’t stone these witches as they deserve.
Here’s what I say with my free speech: “More weight.”
I don't quite get the last line. The reference it brings to my mind is that of Corey Giles, who refused to plead in the Salem Witch Trials so that he would not go to trial. If he went to trial and was found guilty, then estate gets forfeited to government. Since he never plead, he never went to trial, so was never found guilty, and his estate went to his heirs.
Since I don't think you're asking to be crushed that way for that purpose…what incident do you have in mind with that reference?
Pressing witches to death. It's the last line from The Crucible.
So similar context. It's just been far too long since I've read The Crucible.
it seems the far left is trying to construct a literal proof of the evil that Christianity tells us exists.
As just one small example, their adoption of the “free speech” lie. Everyone knows it is a dog whistle for other liars and power hungry control freaks to join or give support to the group.
They're confident that the Church has been so weakened that they can discard their masks. We'll see.
This explains why Hillary, Obama and other Democrats couldn'the call Christians after the Sri Lanka massacre by their names nor express any emotion.
As has been demonstrated on this blog, the enemy is loathe to even pronounce the name of Jesus Christ.
Then the media can turn around and call them "Christians" when it looks like they might have a reprisal against their enemies.
The moderates covering for this are the worst liars.
"The moderates covering for this are the worst liars."
Another sign that Christ's enemies perceive His Church as weak. The lemmings always back who they think is the strong horse.
Always shoot a traitor before the enemy
As of 2 minutes ago, it has a 76 on Metacritic. That should tell you everything you need to know about these critics. Even the summary on Metacritic gives it positive spin. They are a "media savvy" group" of "often misunderstood outsiders" who "challenge corrupt authority".
In other words, they're Boomers.
I'm having the pleasure of reading through CS Lewis' Space trilogy for the first time and seeing this story about Satanists makes me think of the "bent eldil" possessing these poor, weak souls.
If you had asked me, just months ago if I believed in demon possession, I'd have laughed but the more I see of these and far worse stories, the more I'm becoming certain its real.
Keeping in mind that atheists claim they can have morality without God, it seems weird that they choose to rally behind the image of supreme evil just to score political points.
That Hideous Strength is chilling with how it shows demonic influence and possession both. I hesitate to say more for fear of spoiling your first read-through of it.
And there are those who can personally testify to demonic encounters.
It should be pointed out that it is specifically secular humanists that are the problem. True nihilists either kill themselves or keep to themselves: they don't lecture anyone on morality.
If you can shatter their worldview of play pretend morals and show it for as stupid as it is then they only have two choices. Either find objective morality or be honest with themselves and take their beliefs to their obvious conclusion.
They've been destroying discourse and civility for far too long with their boomer religion.
This is part of the reason why we've become a society reluctant to help strangers.
How long until someone snaps and kills everyone attending a Black Mass who does not repent and proclaim Jesus Christ is Lord?
When God commissions someone directly to judge them. Until then, we are supposed to follow the laws of man (including do not murder) so long as following such laws does not break God's law.
Until that time, we need to pray that they will see God's truth and repent. For unless they blaspheme the Holy Spirit, their sins can be forgiven. Pray that they repent. I am doing that now.
Mattathias, while a priest, didn't wait for a an explicit commission before killing the traitor and Antiochus' man. Would be interesting to find out if a Catholic lay person, in a hypothetical scenario where say officials show up demanding the Eucharist from the tabernacle to give to Satanist for a black mass, if the lay person is allowed or not to defend Christ from the officials with violence. Those who would hand him over I would say are demonstrating either a lack of faith or shameful cowardice worse than anything St. Peter ever did at the Passion. I'm sure some would try to defend such betrayal with claims that God is above all such petty desecrations.
Secular humanism is actually retarded.
Had one yesterday on Twitter telling me that nihilism is true but he wants to pretend its not to create a moral society. Not even a slight bit of self awareness to be found.
It's time to just say it: Secularism is just satanism either masked or in denial.
Some are in denial. Some are deceived, and some are deceivers.
This sort of thing has been on the rise for a while, and will continue to do so. It's the whole, "Nah, we're just LARPing LOL! We don't *really* believe any of this (wink)" aspect that pisses me off the most. Not just because these assholes are lying, but because so many assholes believe it.
"Live and let live" was always intended to cow the faithful into letting down their guard. Idiotic "Let your freak flag fly!" and "As long as you're not hurting anyone, have at it" libertarian-type arguments were always designed as a cudgel to damage Christianity, nothing more and nothing less. That people refuse to see this and were duped doesn't change that fact.
One must ask, where were the shepherds of the Church, to let so many go astray?
Look at this retardation from Kurt Loder's "Hail Satan?" review in, of course, Reason:
"We've always known God had a sense of humor—how else do you explain pineapple pizza, Jean-Claude Juncker, or the needle-nosed narwhal? Satan, however, is not often thought to be much of a joker. But then the members of the Satanic Temple (TST) don't even believe he exists, except as a literary character (and please note that they're definitely not Satan worshippers). For them, the dark lord is a satirical construct in the pursuit of their mission, which is trolling the culture wars."
OF COURSE they're not REALLY Satan worshipers!
God, what a fucking idiot.
Holy shit this review gets better (i.e., more retarded):
"TST has larger interests than little club meetings, of course. Jex Blackmore, former head of the Temple's Detroit chapter, says in the film that the goal of modern Satanism is to "challenge the state and oppose the theocratic stranglehold on our morals and sexuality, our identity and our nature." The group's ethical program, unsurprisingly, is basically libertarian: pro-freedom, pro-choice, pro-gay rights, with an insistence on complete bodily autonomy and a preference for "justice over laws." The group also emits a strong goth-punk vibe (the film's soundtrack features Napalm Death, Scar Eater and Marilyn Manson)."
Fuckin' libertarians, man . . .
If a Libertarian watches the movie or reads that review and doesn't immediately rethink his life, he's an intellectual and moral retard.
Libertarianism is Anglosphere anarchism
No rules
No restraints
No limits.
Except that if you introduce the Non Aggression Principle, you immediately introduce a Libertarian grounds for a total ban on abortion.
Also, most forms of Libertarianism prefer consistent laws over justice. So, it's sounding mostly like the Reason writer wanted to bang a goth chick.
I'm not rethinking my life, but I am abandoning my allegiance to political Libertarianism as a means of advancing and defending the traditional rights of my culture. It's a pity, because for a little while there I had some hope for political action in the immediate future.
There is no Trump for Australia, and probably never will be.
But… yes. Most Libertarians turn out to not have the faintest idea what they're espousing or defending, or what it implies.