Not Even Thrawn Can Save Star Wars

Not Even Thrawn Can Save Star Wars

I'm recovering from the multi-day writing marathon that brought Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40 to completion. Here's a post from a year ago made timely by the manufactured buzz in advance of Star Wars: Episode IX. And yes, here in Current Year +3 we know that Disney's desecration of this…
CY 40 Update

CY 40 Update

Over past few months I've been working so hard on Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40 that I've neglected to give my readers a proper update. Here's an overdue progress report. The final draft of the novel will be finished today. Then it's off to my crack team of beta readers…
In Memoriam: Gene Wolfe

In Memoriam: Gene Wolfe

Photograph by Matheiu Bourgois/AP Most readers of this blog will have heard by now that science fiction grand master Gene Wolfe passed away last week. If you just wandered in out of the rain, you may not have heard of him. Wolfe was a visionary author best known for his…
Divine Attributes

Divine Attributes

In honor of Good Friday, a follow up to last week's theology post seems in order. Previously we defined what theologians mean by God: the necessary, self-existing uncaused Being that is the ultimate source of all contingent being. Having established God as the uncaused, necessary Being, we can conclude to…

Empress Theology and Queen Philosophy – Encore

Family business called me away from the internet today, so I thought it a good time to re-blog this post on theology and philosophy from way back in 2015. The commendable Tom Simon writes about the contempt which late Moderns have been conditioned to hold for theology and philosophy: Only…
Star Wars’ Target Audience

Star Wars’ Target Audience

Two cultural observations that have repeatedly been made on this blog are that Star Wars has been weaponized against its original fans and that decadent Westerners are perverting normal pious sentiment by investing it in corporate pop culture products. Now a viral video has surfaced that documents the unholy confluence…
Abomination in the Sanctuary

Abomination in the Sanctuary

As the charred embers of Notre Dame Cathedral cool, the internet is abuzz with speculation from the usual speculators as to whether the fire that catastrophically damaged this monument to the height of Christendom was deliberately set. The authorities have been diligent in the execution of their duty, which is…
Combat Frame Data: XCD-100

Combat Frame Data: XCD-100

XCD-100 Technical Data Model number: XCD-100 Classification: general use anti-armor combat frame Manufacturer: Browning Engineering Corporation Operator: EGE remnant, SOC First deployment: CY 20 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 19 meters Weight: dry weight 70 metric tons, full weight 75 metric tons Armor type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 2950 KW Propulsion: rocket…
When America Died

When America Died

Each day, more people wake up to the fact that, "How can we save America?" is a pointless question. America is already a corpse. Many of us have finally noticed that it's stopped twitching. A better question is, "When did America die?" Was it at the start of this year…
Proof From Atheist Absurdity

Proof From Atheist Absurdity

Over at John C. Wright's blog, Basic atheist Ilja Deifts copiously demonstrates why no one takes atheism seriously anymore. The verbal onanist spews quite a torrent of sophistic effluvium, so I'll just hit the high notes from his smug, effeminate efforts to rebut Mr. Wright's argument against an infinite regress.…