That Went Poorly

That Went Poorly

The country once ruled by vikings and now run by basic HR denizens once again steps up to be the sterling example of what not to do.


Sweden Is Trying



For the extroverts out there, I know you’re chomping at the bit to get out and socialize once the quarantine is lifted. However, you may want to delay attending that party/concert/cruise until we know whether or not Corona-chan has another wave in store.

If you need some reading material to help fight cabin fever, my action-packed mecha thriller is just 99 cents!

Combat Frame XSeed - Brian Niemeier


  1. wreckage

    Well, it was interesting that they appeared to be trying for liberty, but it turns out, in modern Swedish style, it was more about not caring how many Swedes were maimed, killed, or scarified.
    Kind of convenient for the rest of us, to have a control population.

    • Brian Niemeier

      They already were the control group for unrestricted mass third world immigration. Nice of them to volunteer for Corona-chan, too.

  2. Anonymous

    I will miss the Swedes when they are gone. They should have stuck with real engineering instead of social engineering.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Saab out of business. Architects and orthodontists most affected.

  3. Bradford C. Walker

    Most of those patients are Somalis, who don't abide by good practices, and thus spread the coof.

    • xavier


      The joys of diversity. And yet Scsndinvian hygiene behavior will make a come back once the SJWs die out.

    • Heian-kyo Dreams

      In that case, it's culturally insensitive to impose European norms on them.

    • A Reader

      I agree, Dreams. It's terribly wrong to expect the Swedes to be Swedes. Everyone in Europe should be Belgian by now!

      Except the Brits, who very wisely sacked the E.U.

    • anonme

      It's going to be interesting to how and when Corona-Chan affects Africa. Granted lack of testing is going to skew the results.

  4. Chris Lopes

    Reality refuses to yield to our hopes and dreams. The big meanie.

    • Brian Niemeier

      It persistently refuses to go away however much you try to ignore it.

  5. Zaklog the Great

    I just want to be able to go to a coffee shop or library to have a relatively quiet place around other people where I can focus and get some work done. I live in a small house with two boys. I love them. But if I'm to concentrate, I also need to be somewhere else for a while. I'm not getting done the work I need to. I'm getting short-tempered, and my wife is getting angry with me.

    I can hold off on big parties, but I need some kind of public space available.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Praying to St. Joseph the Worker for you.

  6. OvergrownHobbit

    For the extroverts out there, I know you're chomping at the bit to get out and socialize once the quarantine is lifted. However, you may want to delay attending that party/concert/cruise until we know whether or not Corona-chan has another wave in store.

    I am an introvert. I have NO desire to get out of the house. I have an assured income until the entire country implodes.


    in order to save an extra 80 people per million from dying of the Wuhan Death Gurgle. Including myself, since I'm higher risk.

    Go Sweden!

    • Brian Niemeier

      Of course. It's imperative that Zoomers risk exposure to a virus with no vaccine that can cause permanent organ damage and sterility so retired Boomers can go on cruises.

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