How Does Your Magic Work?

How Does Your Magic Work?

A speculative element is what sets the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and horror apart from literary fiction. There's no element more speculative than magic, and it's become a common term of art to speak of an SFF universe's "magic system". By reader request, here is my philosophy of magic…
Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons

A reader writes: [O]ne thing has been made clear for me over the past few years: the existence of demons. Its something that myself and others have become more and more awakened to, thanks in no small part to the works of you and others mentioned. One thing that isn't…
Is the Dope Catholic?

Is the Dope Catholic?

A controversy making the rounds on social media lately centers around the question of whether Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is Catholic or not. Tellingly, it's the Death Cult that's staunchly defending Biden's Catholic bona fides. Take note that "devout" is a word the Cultists trot out whenever they want…
The Dragon Sleeps

The Dragon Sleeps

... and Scalzi grows stronger! Check out the 2020 Dragon Award ballot, and you'll see what I mean. From the author of The Handmaid's Tale to lesbian vampire stories to a writer so deranged even Disney fired him, this year's Dragon ballot reads like the canon of Death Cult humiliation…

Virtues of the Awakened Saxon

Kipling's famous--some might say infamous--poem "The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon" has gained a great deal of traction in dissident circles. I maintain that a major reason why this poem has resonated with the current generations of young men on the right is that it highlights the masculine virtues they…
The Proper Response

The Proper Response

Now that Congress has proven utterly incapable of performing its most basic duties in the face of a protracted national crisis, President Trump has stepped in to deliver the proper response. President Trump Saturday signed four executive actions to provide Americans financial relief from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. America is…

The Generational Wealth Gap

A common criticism levied at the Baby Boomers by members of younger generations is that Boomers as a group have hoarded disproportionate wealth while leaving their posterity only crumbs. Now Business Insider has provided data showing that not only are younger generations' suspicions of having been robbed correct, the generational…

Art Lasts

Hang out around science fiction authors long enough, and you get the sense that they're all crazy. John Scalzi claims that Donald Trump and the weather conspired to give him writer's block. Patrick Rothfuss and George R. R. Martin have cited similarly temperamental reasons for not finishing their popular series.…
Manmade Institutions

Manmade Institutions

Wherein the trade journal Marketing Science brings us further proof of the Pop Cult. H/t @Swordo9 on Tiwtter: The marketers who've pushed the concept of brand evangelism weren't just using a figure of speech. Man's innate religious impulse isn't being snuffed out. It's being captured and perverted by international corporations. Fitzsimons,…
It’s Not the Economy, Stupid

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid

It's about time someone noticed that Conservatives' exclusive fixation on economic arguments has lost them the culture war. Daniel Bendele writes: If the culture degrades even as the stock market climbs, there must be something else that we are missing?  If the rising tide is lifting all the boats, why…