The Corpse of Conservatism

The Corpse of Conservatism

The 2016 presidential election will go down in history as the last. Now that one party can commit rampant vote fraud, and the other meekly accepts the fraudulent outcome, the US is a de facto one-party oligarchy. Simulated elections will still be held for show, but everyone will know them…
The Doomsday Model

The Doomsday Model

Russian scholar Peter Turchin has developed a model of societal collapse that's already yielded startingly accurate predictions. Acquainting yourself with his work is probably a good idea because, if he maintains his track record, we probably won't be enjoying the next 5-10 years very much.The year 2020 has been kind…
Gremlins 2: The New Batch

Gremlins 2: The New Batch

The recent post I did on beloved 80s horror-comedy Gremlins hinted that a review of the sequel was forthcoming, so here it is. First off, I mentioned that Gremlins 2: The New Batch belongs to that rare breed of sequel that surpasses the original. Much like the follow up to another little…
Combat Frame Data: MCF-Re124 Refined XSeed Prometheus

Combat Frame Data: MCF-Re124 Refined XSeed Prometheus

MCF-Re124 Refined XSeed Prometheus    Technical Data Model number: MCF-Re124 Code name: Refined XSeed Prometheus Nickname: ReXPro Classification: general purpose combat frame Manufacturer: ISBC Operator: CDF, UCA, UCAF, UCMC, UCN First deployment: CY 60 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 19 meters Weight: dry weight 95 metric tons, full weight 110 metric tons…


A common malady among aspiring artists is to get hung up on an established set of rules. That's not to deny that any rules exist. Art is a work performed to a standard. Where artists run into trouble is when a type of creative myopia sets in that sees only…
Forensic Geekery

Forensic Geekery

Spend enough time on this blog, and you'll soon discover that contextualizing the generations, especially in regard to pop culture, gets a lot of page space. The memory-holing of Generation Y that came down from Madison Avenue at the turn of the millennium and only recently fell out of fashion…
Be Not Afraid

Be Not Afraid

 The protracted election circus that's dominated the news all week has my inbox filled with urgent questions from folks who are heavily invested in the outcome. These queries range from asking if the American Dream is really dead (it died a long time ago) to speculating that all this chaos…
Combat Frame Data: MCF-123 XSeed Marine

Combat Frame Data: MCF-123 XSeed Marine

MCF-123 XSeed Marine    Technical Data Model number: MCF-123 Code name: XSeed Marine Nickname: Marine Classification: mass production heavy assault combat frame Manufacturer: UC Arms Operator: UC Marine Corps First deployment: CY 81 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 19 meters Weight: dry weight 95 metric tons, full weight 145 metric tons Armor type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor…
They Just Can’t Say It

They Just Can’t Say It

Secular scolds who try to co-opt Christian morality to puff themselves up just cannot confess Jesus' Lordship and divinity.A commenter on a recent post demonstrates.As you can see by the timestamps, the customary 24 hours, and more, have elapsed with no reply. Witch confirmed.Don't let wolves in sheep's clothing claim…


 Rarely do I quote myself on this blog, but in this case, I think it's warranted. On this year's anniversary of 9-11, I wrote:Those mail-in ballots are the key. Far more Democrats than Republicans--a majority, in fact--plan to vote by mail. Most of those ballots will not be counted until…