Many among the counterculture labor under is the mistaken notion that all we need to do is elect the right candidate. Then the Death Cult with its riots and bizarre public rituals will be swept away, and America will go back to the high culture of the 80s or the 50s.
That scenario is no longer in the cards, if it ever was. If the latest round of race riots–and most people’s show of support for the organizations behind those riots–shows anything, it’s that a point of no return has been passed. There’s no going back.
The fact that we can’t go back to the golden age of the postwar boom economy shouldn’t really surprise anybody. America’s long summer afternoon was the result of myriad historical factors that converged to give us a break from history.
The most important of those factors–demographics and America’s Christian moral foundation–have been turned upside down. Even if Trump were reinstated tomorrow, sent the agitators to Gitmo, and deported enough invaders to restore pre-1965 demographics, we’d end up right back here within a generation.
Even if the US did enact an amicable divorce, Red America would set up a government based on the same Liberal errors and invite the same disaster.
The Death Cult’s triumph was a century in the making, and their foremost tactic was always and everywhere to undermine Christianity. No sane person would accept the Cult’s nihilistic dogma in a Christian milieu, so step one was always to expel the Church from public life. In a spiritual void, people will cling to any source of morality and meaning, even if it’s batshit insane.
That’s why your normie friends and relatives are joining the megacorps in adopting rainbow Facebook avatars. In the absence of Christianity, the Death Cult has seized the moral high ground. That means they get to dictate which behaviors are socially acceptable and which are forbidden.
Some people will take this post as a black pill. A lot of folks who voted for Trump did so in the secret hope that the Man From the 80s would bring the 1980s back. The witches aren’t the only cult people have turned to for meaning. You can be certain that the Q crowd will never cease scanning the horizon for the Storm.
What we’re really seeing is positive proof that Christianity is true, and social arrangements contrary to it are doomed to end in tears. The Church has always claimed to have the inside track on human nature, and those claims have panned out over 2000 years of history.
That means going through, not back, isn’t just the only way out of this mess; it’s the best way. Liberalism is dashing itself to death against the rock or reality. The smart play is to not interrupt the enemy’s mistake and at the same time, take a page from their book.
The Death Cult’s weakness is that it contains an internal paradox. People turn to it for meaning, but being nihilistic, it has no meaning to give. At best, it gives members a convenient bogeyman to vent their existential frustration at. The Cult rose to power by creating a spiritual void in America’s soul. Christians can likewise exploit the void that is the soul of the Death Cult.
Never forget that our enemies are the worst people on Earth, and sin dims the intellect. Right now, we’ve got a million little commissars each claiming to be his own pope–or in this case, Antichrist. A Cultist who demands that you change your Facebook avatar or publicly worship a particular demographic is applying the Cult’s version of the Witch Test. His aim is to exert moral authority over you. The answer is to reject his moral frame and administer the real Witch Test.
All of this is to say that the Church had the right idea when it came to re-evangelizing the culture. Most people–even nominal Christians–are now heretics, Witches, or just plain tractable heathens. We are commanded to make disciples of all nations. Charity starts at home, and the break’s over, so let’s roll up our sleeves and get back to work.
A simple way to start is to stop giving money to people who hate us. Learn how here.
*Until a CNN reporter knocks on your door with a script and a perfectly tailored devil costume, and your Satanic neighbors tell the state that your children are hateful and that your parish is a terror group.
We’ll all be tested eventually; we’re just further down list.
I like your observations, but I think your analysis is a step too far. In the linked Test above, you astutely point out that the radical left has a frothing, irrational and all-consuming hatred of Christianity.
My issue is you then go “so therefore, demons.”
I don’t think that’s a necessary leap. It does not rationally follow, and it is not logically parsimonious; you can explain their behavior by simple human hatred and simple Gramscian Damage, nothing more. In fact, I would argue that bringing the Devil into this white-washes the humanity out of the ne’er-do-wells, by giving them a scapegoat for their own terrible choices and beliefs.
I am not willing to give them the excuse of demonic possession or influence. They are what they are by their choices (and the choices of their authority figures), and that is enough to describe it.
You also in passing make a point about Creation and leap to “God did it” but that’s a cop-out. Of course He did, but that’s not any excuse to deny the logical, rational facilities He gave us. If anything, He wants us to delight in the playground He made for us, and that means understanding how it works. Science and religion are not incompatible.
Anyway, thank you for the thought-provoking observations!
This is the trap conservatives always fall into. They base their identity on being logical, so they can’t conceive of an enemy who has no rational motive.
Leftists firmly believe they can change the weather by purchasing indulgences from pardoners in lab coats. They believe that the words of black-robed wizards empower them to shapeshift. They believe that mass child sacrifice will ensure their individual and collective prosperity.
That’s not a political ideology based on a rational but flawed program for organizing society. That is a stone age death cult. And it drives its fanatics to destroy themselves, but to destroy the people of Christ first, that they might strike at God through them.
Hatred of God is the worst sin. It is directly opposite human nature and born of diabolical pride.
Death Cult is sharp, useful rhetoric that directly identifies the problem AND undermines the SJW sense of self (as life-loving, scientific, rational good-thinkers).
But rationally speaking, what’s the difference, empirically, between someone who sins themselves into irrationality and ultimately suicide, and someone who’s demon-ridden?
One mark of a person under demonic influence is a strong aversion to holy things.
Hence the Witch Test.
It is funny to think about how it is those who wish to cling to outdated 20th century ideas are the ones who believe they are progressing towards something, even after a century of failure on that front.
To abandon blackpill thoughts and beliefs, one simply has to accept that it is time to leave it all behind. It happened, and it is over. There is no more milk in that cow.
What this will lead to are three general groups. The first that wish to keep living in the 20th century, stubbornly clinging to their frail 1996 mindset even as the world it led to implodes around them. The second wish to destroy everything to live in a humanist heaven where the Masters will supply the pleasure domes forever, because once the Good Guys are put in power paradise will arrive. The third will learn from the past and create a new path going forward by jettisoning what didn’t work and keeping what did.
The first camp is not going to be around much longer, though. Once the lines are drawn between the last two, that’s when things are going to get spicy. Better start praying.
“Better start praying.”
Good advice for anybody.
These mindsets the virulent reaction Soharab Ahmsari and Vermullian have endured with thei repudiation of the Enlightenment and a return to an explicitly Catholic societal order.
I’ve been saying for some time now that Enlightenment ideas come in two types: rebadged Christian; and disastrous.
“B-But muh economics! But cultures based on secular liberal mercantilism always produce more wealth than Catholic social orders!” – someone who doesn’t understand that there can be any purpose to life other than making money.
We should all livestream a weekly rosary. If we’re persistent, we might even make it daily.
Something you are neglecting is that America was a Christian nation in the past, and the death cult still took over. That is, the death cult took over while Christians were running the show. This happened in other Western countries too. Japan has resisted the cult far more successfully (though unfortunately still not successfully enough), and they are neither Christian nor particularly religious.
By the way, buying things on Amazon is one of the worst things you can do in terms of giving money to people who hate you. I deleted my account last year when Amazon started promoting a race war against whites. I know you need to make money, but selling a book with this title on Amazon of all places is a terrible idea.
Thanks for demonstrating why the Right lost the culture war. They do not grasp the nature of the conflict, nor do they know the first thing about power or influence.
It’s fascinating how heathen right-wingers will acknowledge that the Death Cult took over when the West abandoned Christianity, yet they’ll tie themselves in knots to avoid the obvious solution.
Based Japan is a meme. Explicitly Christian nations like Poland and Hungary are more successfully resisting the Death Cult.
But if Christianity is the solution, then why did Christianity fail time and time again to stop the cult in the first place? Why was Christianity abandoned? You said that even Magical Trump sending the traitors to gitmo and restoring pre-1960s demographics wouldn’t be enough in the long run because it wouldn’t be addressing the root cause, so why would a restoration of Christianity be any different? It didn’t work before.
If the secret to Poland and Hungary is Christianity, then why haven’t Western countries had the same success? For that matter, why aren’t all Christian nations around the world (such as in Africa) the same? Christianity alone–or its absence–doesn’t determine a nation’s culture and politics.
“Why was Christianity abandoned?”
Because man is fallen.
If you can’t understand why returning to Christianity is necessary to restore Christendom, you are not intellectually equipped for this blog.
The Church has conquered every enemy that tried to destroy her for 2000 years. Consider reserving criticism until your movement scores a win.
How did man fall when society was Christian, and how will making society Christian again prevent man from fallling again? You shouldn’t go around accusing others of a lack of intellect if you can’t grasp and/or address this simple point.
You seem to expect that things are just going to magically work out. There’s no need to even do anything, because Christianity fixes everything and the Church is eternal and invincible and omnipotent, just like the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the British Empire were, and all the religions that Christianity wiped out. This is just QAnon: Christian Edition. Sit back, relax, and trust the plan.
What wins has your movement scored? The fall of the West hasn’t been halted, Christianity continues to decline, and Christian institutions themselves become more and more globohomo by the day. What are you doing besides sitting on your ass waiting for a magic rescue, being a money-grubbing hypocrite on Amazon, and alienating any potential allies for not having enough Christian zeal?
The only practical suggestion your post makes is that people should stop giving money to the enemy… by buying your book on Amazon. I think you are just a grifter.
The white nations continue to decline and become more globohomo by the day. You seem to expect that making the West majority white again will magically fix the problem.
How did the West fall when it was racially homogeneous, and how will having an ethnostate prevent it from falling again? This is just QAnon: Wignat Edition.
I think you’re just a utopian idolator who worships his race instead of his Creator. You have no moral standing to anathematize anyone. Go back to Reddit.
“I know you need to make money, but selling a book with this title on Amazon of all places is a terrible idea.”
The inherent contradiction in that sentence should clue you in to the fact that your opinions diverge from reality.
Amazon is over 80% of the book market. Telling me you don’t want me to publish books through them is the same as saying you don’t want me to publish books.
Again, you have no clue how exerting influence works.
But the title and premise of this particular book is not giving money to your enemies, and it’s being sold through one of the worst companies in the world to give money to. That’s very contradictory and sends a bad message. You could have at least set the price to zero.
Japan has only avoided convergence for three reasons:
1.) They have been off the radar of the people pushing for convergence.
2.) Since their culture is non-western, attacks at the foundations of the west are less effective. Attacking Christians and everything that they believe in as evil isn’t going to matter much to a country that already persecuted Christians for centuries.
3.) Japan absorbed much of the western tradition and built upon it, and because of points 1 and 2 it wasn’t pushed out. (Ex. compare how much anime references things like the Arthurian romances vs. anything in the the last two decades of the west. Compare how often the works of Beethoven, Mozart or Chopin show up, etc.)
But none of these guarantee any long term success. The eyes of the woke are now turning on Japan, both because they are branching out from their success in the west and because they are angered by how many youths are turning to Japan for their entertainment. Once they start focusing on Japan they will change their tactics to be more effective. China understands Japan better, and they are already exerting their influence over there.
Point 3 will not matter a whole lot once Japan is actively targeted, but it’s starting to burn out anyway. Most new anime and videogames in Japan are not based on legends, history, literary traditions, etc. so much as they are based on other anime and videogames. In the case of the all too ubiquitous Isekai genre, this is often quite literal with anime taking place in video games and video games being structured like anime. This sort of fandom centric attitude was probably inevitable because the Japanese interest in western tradition ultimately had no foundation. But it’s also a huge weakness for Japan because it’s ripe for a quick swap to consoomerism in the major Hollywood releases.
“the Church is eternal and invincible and omnipotent, just like the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the British Empire were, and all the religions that Christianity wiped out.”
Brain, thankyou for hosting the most hilariously unwittingly self-defeating comment of the year so far.
There is literally nothing on earth that Christianity hasn’t outlived, nor will there be for at least another thousand years, assuming Christianity has no special ingredient at all, let alone divine favour.
If the “whites” (not an ehtnicity) want to commit racial suicide by abandoning the very thing that dragged them screaming out of their haunted forests, well then Christianity will outlive them too.
The wignats start from the assumption that the Church is a purely human institution. Seen in that light, dismissing a return to Christianity as magical thinking makes sense. Yet at the same time, the Church’s 2000 year history makes no sense if it’s assumed to be a merely human institution.
Their other fatal flaw is pinning all their hopes in ethnostates, which indisputably are mere human institutions.
Arguing that restoring the order of life and worship whose abandonment created Hell World is defeatist nonsense, but simply restoring the nations Christianity conquered will usher in perpetual utopia, is projection to make the Left balk.
If the Church is purely human, then by demonstrated longevity under severe selection pressure, it must be considered one of humanity’s most perfect mechanisms, and even more, one of those of the most remarkably consistent functionality even when severely compromised.
Personally I think it’s highly unlikely that mere humans initiated such a degree of functionality from a standing start, with only a couple of decades to codify it, in occupied Jerusalem c 30AD, with no outside guidance from any higher power.