Defaced Comic

Comics Defaced

Man of the Atom returns with part 2 in his series on the history of American comic books. This time, he examines comic book distribution, among many other topics. Return rate was the fraction of the total print run that was returned to the distributor by the retailers. Newsstand distribution…

Grandma’s Phone

Here at the end of the internet, 4chan stands as the great archive of a vanishing culture built online. Its various boards are the true successors of the Neolithic campfires around which hunter-gatherers shared tribal lore. Spend any length of time browsing /x/ or /k/, and you'll soon discern a…
Black Friday Book Sale

Black Friday Book Sale

Author Hans Schantz announces his Black Friday book mega-sale: Celebrate the holidays with over a hundred outstanding titles from established and emerging talent, each priced at just $0.99, including many that are absolutely free. It’s a sale too big for just one blog post, three sales in one, and an…
Shatner Deep Fried Turkey

Spitting in the Face of Science

Happy Thanksgiving to all my cherished readers. Out of my deep and abiding interest in your wellbeing, here is a cautionary message from Mr. William Shatner: Macross meets Warhammer 40K Read now for 99 cents!
Pontian and Hippolytus


Instability shakes Western civilization. The worldwide government turns to active persecution of Christians. Confusion strikes the heart of the Church, where the faithful's loyalties are divided between two men claimed to be the heir of St. Peter. That sounds like a summary of recent headlines, but it's nothing the Church…
Coal Mine House

The Coal Miner’s House

Stay in the writing game long enough, and you learn that a good story could come from anywhere, anytime. I was reminded why every writer does well to keep a pocket notebook on him during a recent visit to the barbershop. While waiting for a trim, one of the other…
Nebuchadnezzar Ages

The Ages of Comics

Friend of the blog Man of the Atom pens a learned essay on the origins and ages of American comic books: What about the stories? Where did they originate? Like any good writers, the comic authors typically went to the literature of the times as well as the recent past…
Astroworld satanic

Stanning for Satanism?

A quote often attributed to Chesterton notes that when something draws equally vehement attacks from opposite sides of the same issue, it's a good bet that what the partisans are attacking is true. In other words, heresies tend to come in diametrically opposed but equally erroneous twos. The resurgence of…
Babel Collapse

The Collapse

Spend any length of time in dissident circles online, and you'll soon be introduced to the concept of the Collapse. Though formulated by philosophers of history a hundred years ago, the idea that civilization now faces a great decline is popular with ex-Trump supporters discouraged by the MAGA program's failure.…
shaved profile

Escaping the Hate Mob

The gradual but rapidly accelerating collapse of civilization has added urgency to the longstanding dissident debate over where to run when SHTF. Each day awakens more normies to the fact that they cannot coexist with Death Cultists who are busily imposing their inhuman ritual laws on the rest of us.…