
Don’t Be Demoralized

By this point, even the most oblivious have started to notice that our elites' ever more irrational dictates aren't meant to help anyone. Instead, cruel farces like Drag Queen Story Hour, mandatory intersectionality indoctrination, and Zimbabwe-style land transfers are humiliation rituals intended to demoralize the occupied nations. It's only natural…
FunkoPop Blank

PopCult Icons

Every so often, a Twitter thread comes along that perfectly encapsulates the degeneracy of our age. Such a thread drew notice in counterculture circles for blowing the lid off the Pop Cult icons known as FunkoPops.     Read the whole depressing thread. All their claims of material objectivity and…
Level Up or Die - Smith and Lisec

Level Up or Die

Do you like steampunk? Do you like dystopian sci fi? How about MMORPGS? If you're on the ball, you're probably shaking your head and sighing, "Not another trashy LitRPG harem rag copypasta'd from a Deviant Art gallery." Relax. It's not that at all. Level Up or Die is that rare quality…

Fun Has a New Enemy

Author JD Cowan gives his informed take on the latest desecration of The Shadow from James Patterson's brand sweatshop. Anyone who has read an OldPub book in the last decade certainly has warning bells going off in their head, and for very good reason. All you need is the above…
Miura Berserk

Berserk: A Masterpiece Unfinished

Some of the most enduring memories from my dissolute youth in the anime scene revolve in some way around Kentaro Miura's masterpiece Berserk. Whether it was crowding around a buddy's CRT monitor to binge watch the visceral anime or blasting the soundtrack on the way to a con, Berserk set…

A Model of Collapse

Scholar Peter Turchin has developed a model of societal collapse that's already yielded startingly accurate predictions. Acquainting yourself with his work is probably a good idea because, if he maintains his track record, we probably won't be enjoying the next 5-10 years very much.   The year 2020 has been…

Why Amazon Failed

The esteemed Fr. Brendon Laroche, @padrebrendon on Twitter, documents the latest shenanigans surrounding books by Conservative authors on Amazon. Consider the case of Patrick Deneen's Why Liberalism Failed, which I've written about here.     Deneen wasn't the only Conservative author affected. Amazon did weigh in on the controversy. Their…

Combat Frame Data: CF-022A Valkyrie

CCF-022A Valkyrie   Technical Data Model number: CCF-022A Code name: Valkyrie Classification: custom combat frame Manufacturer: BEC Operator: Avril Valkyrie First deployment: CY 97 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in waist Height: 22 meters, 25 meters with headdress Weight:  dry weight 32.8 metric tons, full weight 44.9 metric tons Armor type: palladium glass microalloy Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, output…

Back Diamond Jack

Best selling author Adam Lane Smith brings you the exciting crowdfunder for his heavy metal Christian cyberpunk novel! Introducing Diamond Jack and the Neon Knights: Cyberpunk: Blood and smoke drenched in neon They killed her. Now he’ll slaughter them. The demonic apocalypse ravaged the surface. The surviving dregs of humanity…

Mann Hunt

An FBI agent racing against time to catch a grisly serial killer before he strikes again seeks help from an even more cunning and brutal killer who plays mind games with his interviewer from behind bars. This adaptation of a Thomas Harris best seller took a bit to gain traction…