Pope Remains Catholic

Pope Remains Catholic

... to the consternation of many CDS sufferers.Lifesite News reports:A question to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about whether or not the Church has the “power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex” was answered in the “negative” by the congregation’s prefect,…
Chasing the Puck

Chasing the Puck

Trying to jump on the latest big trend, what folks in showbiz call chasing the puck, is a misguided business strategy that all-too-many authors fall for. And not necessarily for the reasons you think.The conventional oldpub wisdom held that an author simply couldn't get a book to market fast enough…
The eDrama Egg Timer

The eDrama Egg Timer

The total conquest of all cultural institutions by the Death Cult has given rise to a robust counterculture, even as it presents dissenting artists with serious challenges. Chief among those challenges is the problem of discoverability. If you're a talented creator whose personal convictions make you anathema to the fanatics…
Death Cult Seminaries

Death Cult Seminaries

That's what Death Cult priest  R. Tolteka Cuauhtin is openly campaigning to turn California's public schools into.   Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new statewide ethnic studies curriculum that advocates for the “decolonization” of American society and elevates Aztec religious symbolism—all in the service…
Pacing Lessons from Fury Road

Pacing Lessons from Fury Road

Many writers labor under a common misconception about what makes a book feel fast-paced. Slamming chapters together with no space in-between doesn't necessarily give readers a sense of speed. In fact, it can do the opposite by bringing on action fatigue. Pacing has less to do with keeping lots of…
Aughts Nostalgia

Aughts Nostalgia

The accepted wisdom among creators in the new counterculture holds that there will be no aughts nostalgia movement as there is for the last decades of the 20th century. Western cultural development stagnated and finally started eating itself circa 1997. Therefore, the lion's share of media products after that point…
Robot Fighters Return!

Robot Fighters Return!

One big disadvantage that dissidents labor under is a strong individualist streak. This affinity for rugged self-reliance is often bandied about as a virtue, but in a social climate where the dominant opposition's M.O. is to isolate, polarize, and freeze targets, that virtue becomes a vice.A few of the more…
Cults of Conduct

Cults of Conduct

Dissident creators' invisibility to the movers and shakers in Conservative circles has hobbled right-wing advances in the culture war for decades. "Culture War" is frankly inaccurate, since a war presumes more than one side fighting. The wholesale capture of Western institutions by the Death Cult has been a cultural rout.Conservatives'…
Toys in the Attic

Toys in the Attic

It's high time we had another tale of high strangeness on this blog. Today's hackle-raising account comes courtesy of author David V. Stewart.This sort of thing actually inspired one of my books - Eyes in the Walls.At my old house one time the attic light came on by itself, and…
No Seuss for You

No Seuss for You

Conservatives catch a lot of flak for their failure to conserve pretty much anything. Now we can add Dr. Seuss books to the rapidly lengthening list.Predictably, the mainstream media are rushing to the book burning with jugs of kerosene and bags of marshmallows. Just as typically, their Conservative media camp…