CFXS RPG Test Demo

RPG Test Demo

Over the weekend, I downloaded OBS which is the most popular live streaming software out there. I’d been meaning to test it out on a full-fledged Combat Frame XSeed Roleplaying Game demo, and while chatting online with a couple of friends last night, one thing led to another, and we ended up running a test demo.

Everything seemed to go well, with both players and the live chat declaring themselves entertained. Watch the replay to get a taste of the CFXS RPG in action.

Thanks to everyone who turned out to play and watch our successful demo! All the feedback so far agrees that the CFXS system is crunchy and versatile enough to engage new players and keep veteran gamers interested.

If you like what you see, get in on the action by picking up your own copy of the Combat Frame XSeed RPG now.

And be sure to subscribe to Geek Gab on YouTube for notifications about future CFXS RPG streams.


  1. D Cal

    This RPG of yours is begging to be made into a PC game. It doesn’t need a AAA story-driven adventure or ray-traced graphics; it could function just like the tabletop version, but with animated mechs, animated dice rolls, and era-appropriate XSeed characters to clap for the winners and stare down the losers. Mod support and the ability to host listen servers would also be plusses.

    • Xavier Basora

      I thought at first it was a computer game but then realized it wasn’t. I agree it could be a computer game too, but I’m thinking of the technical logistics.


    • CantusTropus

      Having sunk an unreasonable amount of time into Super Robot Wars 30, I’d be completely down for a similar squad-based tactics sort of take on Combat Frame XSeed.

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