It’s been a wild ride since we started our successful Combat Frame Ƶ XSeed campaign. Along the way we’ve broken records, hit two exciting stretch goals, and had a lot of fun.
And fun makes time fly. It’s hard to believe, but the last day of the Ƶ campaign is here.
Depending on when you read this post, there might still be time to claim awesome perks like an advance copy of the novel, a seat at the RPG testing table, discounted pro editing, and more.
As of this writing, we’re within reach of Stretch Goal 3 – the first official Combat Frame XSeed RPG supplement. Help guarantee the Ynzu War Sourcebook’s publication.
I have a question unrelated to this post. You have delved into generation y a lot. Do you have any data on how many of them are married and have kids? With the media combining them with millennials I was just curious if they are the ones ultimately screwed by education rather than millennials.
I don’t have the marriage data, but the economic data, including student debt and home ownership figures, do show that Gen Y are more screwed than the Millennials.