Synod Witches Madder

Synod Relator General

In another blow to the Death Cultists striving to impose witchery on the Church through synods, top officials within the current synod on synodality reasserted the Church’s firm No Witches Allowed policy.

The highest-ranking woman in the general secretariat of the Synod of Bishops has said that the ordination of women as Catholic priests is “not an open question” at this time.

Sister Nathalie Becquart, who serves as an undersecretary for the Church’s ongoing Synod on Synodality, was recently named on the BBC’s list of 100 inspiring and influential women around the world.

In an article published Dec. 13, the French religious sister said that there are many ways for women to serve the Church, but ordination is not an option.

“For the Catholic Church at this moment, from an official point of view, it’s not an open question,” Becquart told the BBC.

People often ask me to defend the dogma of papal infallibility. To be honest, all I have to do is point to instances like this.

Because what ruled women masquerading as priests, aka witches, out of the question was St. John Paul II’s 1994 Apostolic Letter Ordinatio sacerdotalis.

The operative paragraph in this short document is the final substantive paragraph, immediately preceding the Apostolic Blessing:

“Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church’s divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful.”

Let us compare this with Vatican I’s definition concerning the exercise of papal infallibility:

“. . . the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra, that is, when, acting in the office of shepherd and teacher of all Christians, he defines, by virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the universal Church, possesses through the divine assistance promised to him in the person of St. Peter, the infallibility with which the divine Redeemer willed his Church to be endowed in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals; and that such definitions of the Roman Pontiff are therefore irreformable because of their nature, but not because of the agreement of the Church.” [First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ]

Not only does this exercise of papal infallibility mean that witchery is forbidden in the Church in perpetuity, it means that any synod that tried to admit witches into the priesthood would de facto negate the attempt.

Becquart was quoted in a news report that featured the stories of invalid ordinations in the U.S. of Catholic women dressed in liturgical vestments in which one woman reflected: “Excommunication was just part of the journey.”

“Journey” used in weird contexts is Death Cult ritual cant, by the way.

In response to the subject of the article, Becquart said: “It’s not just a matter of you feeling you are called to priesthood, it’s always a recognition that the Church will call you to be a priest. So your personal feeling or decision is not enough.”

It’s not that the Eternal Logos doesn’t care about heretical feelings. It’s that He hates them and directs His Church to stamp them out.

Here’s the Vicar of Christ putting his foot down:

Pope Francis has also addressed the subject of women’s ordination recently in an interview with America Magazine.

When the pope was asked for his response to a woman who feels called to be a priest, Pope Francis replied decisively: “And why can a woman not enter ordained ministry? It is because the Petrine principle has no place for that.”

Note that Pope Francis goes beyond his sainted predecessor’s definition to its logical conclusion by saying women can’t “enter ordained ministry.” That criterion also rules out female deacons, which is the wedge Death Cultists are trying to use to eventually force witch ordination.

It’s not just witches who’re having a bad day. The synod’s relator general declared sodomy and polygamy forbidden, too.

See him crush the Death Cult’s hopes below:

OK, so as not to get all triumphalistic, I have to admit that the whole notion of a synod on synodality is underwhelming. It’s like having a meeting about having meetings.

With society collapsing around the world, Holy Church has bigger fish to fry – which would be an intelligible pun if she still enforced Friday discipline, but I digress.

But we have to consider that current Church leadership has been packed with clerics compromised by the global regime. They’re under intense pressure, probably including blackmail, not to exert Magisterial authority in ways that would deal major blows to the Death Cult  – yet they still can’t help defying the ruler of this world.

That’s a massive white pill. Despite all the money and power being leveraged against the Church to cave on ancient doctrines, we still have cardinals – and even Pope Francis – smacking down women’s ordination and the grooming agenda.

Far be it from me to give you false hope. The regime has been backed into a corner by recent international events. And a beast is at its most dangerous when it’s cornered.

Still, it’s hard not to look at what’s happening and not conclude that the regime didn’t get anything close to the expected return on its bribes to the Church.

But don’t get complacent in prayer. Even though the Holy Spirit moves where He wills, most signs point to the next pope being worse than Francis.

It wouldn’t surprise me if a teaching comes down in the coming years that seems to contradict some defined dogma, causing a theological crisis before it’s proven inauthentic – and that proof may not come in the lifetime of anyone reading this post.

So we need to take these victories as they come and let them serve as reminders that God always has the last Word.

The First and the Last, in fact.


For a gripping vision of where the Word’s enemies are headed, read my space pirates in Hell novel now.


  1. CantusTropus

    Blessed be God! While I would like even firmer statements from both, this is still excellent news, and I will not complain at what the Hand of God gives us. I find it helpful when dealing with any such large, stressful issue, to simply realise that it is out of your power and commit it to the Lord in prayer, knowing that He is infinitely wiser and more powerful than any of us, and that His Providence will ensure that all things work out for our good in the end, even if it does not appear to be such in the moment. For anyone struggling with such, I highly recommend “Trustful Surrender To Divine Providence” (by Fr. Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure and Blessed Claude de la Colombiére) – it is a fantastic book, especially to read at Eucharistic Adoration.

    • Xavier Basora


      Interestingly, I can’t find the booklet in French. I googled under the authours’ names but didn’t show up. Does your translation cite the original source? That would help me narrow down the search parameters.



      • CantusTropus

        It appears to be an extract from Fr. Baptiste’s magnum opus, “The Knowledge and Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ”, combined with an extract from the writings of St. de la Colombiére. It says on the inside cover of my copy that this book was originally printed in 1961 under the title “The Secret of Peace and Happiness” by Alba House in Staten Island, New York. Thus, it’s entirely possible that this specific book has never been printed in French, despite being drawn entirely from the writings of two Frenchmen.

  2. Alex

    Pope Francis is the only world leader (and the Vicar of Christ *is* a world leader) that hasn’t bent the knee on forced integration, gay “marriage”, abortion and transgenderism. And Crossdressing Crowder will still call him a communist.

    • CantusTropus

      This is Razorfist’s default, almost automatic reply to anything regarding Pope Francis too, which is one of the reasons that I finally unsubscribed from him (the straws that broke the camel’s back were when he accused Nick Fuentes of being a grifter that wants to take Charlie Kirk’s place, on top of privating his “The Red Wave is About To Arrive!” video after the election on the lame excuse of avoiding being banned by Youtube – as if Youtube’s censorious policies had changed in the three or four days since the video was uploaded). Then again, Razorfist is largely just a more foul-mouthed attempt to copy Crowder, so I suppose that isn’t surprising.


        has razorfist recanted his satanism yet?

        he was just a few years ago but was friendly to Christiansand always hated when people mocked Us.

    • Crowder has always had a rabid anti-Catholic streak. The first time I heard him on a live stream back in 2015, he made a point of confusing Marian veneration with idol worship and cited his education by French Canadian nuns as his bona fides.

      Until recently, I didn’t hear anywhere near as much about his time in Hollywood …


        crowder has always had both the “cross-eyed frat boy” look AND attitude down to a T. he just loves sin, just not every sin: ie a typical protestant.

        he debated Michael Voris and lost so he never published the video.

  3. It’s a constant annoyance that traditional-minded Catholics who wouldn’t believe CNN if they told them the sky was blue readily believe every salacious “woke pope” media report about Francis.

    It reminds me of when B16 visited England a few years ago. For weeks before his arrival the BBC scoured the country to find every kook with an axe to grind against the Church and put a microphone in front of him. Clearly they were hoping for and fomenting an anti-pope backlash from the public. When it was clear that the visit was a success, the media went dark on coverage and instead did stories on athletes at the Commonwealth Games in India complaining that their hotel rooms were dingy.

    • That’s a good reminder that the media’s chief power is their ability _not_ to report on something.


        There is a very interesting story on that.

        In 1972 a group of people organized a national “no tv day” to fight against what they saw was an epidemic of tv addiction.

        there was no mention of this national “no tv day” despite the organizers sending letters to every tv “news” channel in the country.

        there was however every “news” outlet mocking it the day after, saying no one knew about it because they refused to report it.

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