A.I. 2001

The Great A.I. Art Debate

As you read this post, a debate is raging on author Twitter about A.I.-generated book covers. Some are hailing these art algorithms as the best publishing innovation since Gutenberg. Others are ... denouncing A.I. as demonic? Or something. To be honest, I can't get a read on the most emphatic…
Synod Relator General

Synod Witches Madder

In another blow to the Death Cultists striving to impose witchery on the Church through synods, top officials within the current synod on synodality reasserted the Church's firm No Witches Allowed policy. The highest-ranking woman in the general secretariat of the Synod of Bishops has said that the ordination of…
KTH Weed Hair

Freedom Destroyed Liberty

Say you decide to go out for a burger. You hop in the car and hit the road, where at least three other drivers are drifting between lanes at ten miles under the limit, backing up traffic for blocks. You stop at a red light and soon feel like you're…

Sociological Zombies

If you were around in the mid-to-late-aughts, you were aware of the zombie apocalypse fad. Much like the shambling undead hordes it depicted, the trend was inescapable. As with most pop phenomena, a lot of ink has been spilled on why the zombie horror subgenre became so dominant when it…
Star Trek III

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

The Star Trek film franchise has a long and storied history. But few installments in this venerable series are as controversial and misunderstood as Star Trek III. In the previous review, we covered how Wrath of Khan director Nicholas Meyer and writer/producer Harve Bennett coaxed Leonard Nimoy into reprising the…
Opal Embers

The Opal Embers

The latest young adult fantasy by my friend, author William Hastings, is now live! AGAINST A MADMAN'S VENGEANCE . . . TWO VAGABONDS WILL NOT BE ENOUGH. Leo and Nea are settling into their life as vagabonds, but after a botched raid on the Opal Mines, their faith in one…
Church Shop

Church Shopping

The Devil springs his most vicious attacks on the Church during two seasons. In Lent, the mainstream media overflows with pop pseudohistory books by fedora-tier academics pushing crackpot theories about Jesus. You might catch a talk show with one grifter claiming Christ was a failed rebel who got executed and…
Despair Kills

Atheism Kills

This site has documented how atheism is over, with godlessness declining faster than any religion while Christianity holds steady as a percentage of the world population. But it looks like you can't keep a Reddit sperg with daddy issues down. Because the fedoras have sounded another quixotic charge at the…
Grooming Books

Reason #56,346,341 to Raise Your Own Kids

This is not an isolated incident. A California teacher who maintains a classroom library with books containing explicit sexual imagery and information on BDSM, orgies, and kinks recently claimed those books help students discover “who they are.” That is one of the most pernicious errors of our age, and it's…
Wrath of Khan

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Following the critical disappointment of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the franchise's fate was up in the air. Legend has it that after attending the premiere, William Shatner said, "That's it. We gave it our best shot, but there'll be no more Star Trek movies." But that was back when…