Pizza Hut Classic 1

Generation Y’s Real Café 80s

Most people reading this will be familiar with the 50s retro diner, in concept if not by firsthand experience. This style of restaurant gained popularity in the 1980s as Baby Boomers neared middle age. Savvy restaurateurs figured out that appealing to that generation's nostalgia for the 1950s culture they dismantled…
Uncle Buck

Comedy Classics: Uncle Buck

Since we're in the Christmas season, I thought it fitting to give my regular readers a peek behind the VIP curtain. Please enjoy my previously Neopatron exclusive review of the John Hughes classic Uncle Buck. More than 30 years on, Uncle Buck retains its status as a John Hughes comedy classic. Besides…
FInding God

How to Prove God and Find Him

Helping others clear away intellectual obstacles to faith in God and His Church is every theologian's solemn obligation. As Fr. Chad Ripperger has said, Hell is so bad that we shouldn't even wish it on our worst enemy. So it is in a spirit of fraternal charity that I offer…
Strange Spirit

Discernment of Strange Spirits

A question pertaining to our previous tale of high strangeness comes from a user on X: Wouldn’t it be more likely, per the Church, that the “ghost” is a demon masquerading as the spirit of the officer? My answer:   Another user then chimed in to add this chilling personal…
Venite Adoremus

Venite Adoremus

Christ the Lord! Merry Christmas, everyone!
December 25 Christmas

In Defense of December 25th

Advent is back, so the Reddit atheists and pagan LARPers have returned to display their historical and biblical illiteracy. That means it’s time to repost this perennial favorite piece in defense of December 25th so my readers can demolish internet atheists’ cringe “Christmas is Pagan!” memes. December 25 really is…
Final Fantasy VII Test 0

FF7: The 1st Unfinished AAA Game?

One of the stranger zombie memes still circulating in this year of Our Lord 2023 - a time rife with zombie memes - lazily holds that video games are just toys and gaming a mere hobby. A quick look around the cultural landscape soon reveals that notion as reductive. Vdya…
Trump Disqualified

Court Disqualifies Trump for 2024

Colorado's Supreme Court dropped a bombshell ruling yesterday, declaring former President Donald Trump disqualified to appear on the state primary ballot. The decision held that the Civil War-era Disqualification Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment applies to Trump for taking part in an insurrection. Four of the seven justices said that…
Pope Francis Mt 16:18

Media Slanders Francis With Fake News

Regime media sparked a new outbreak of Francis Derangement Syndrome on X yesterday. The molehill the lying press hyped into a mountain was a recent document from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. And the shovels they used to pile BS on it were fake news stories alleging…
Traffic Cop High Strangeness

High Strangeness Warehouse

Most of the tales of high strangeness we feature here happened years ago, but this one just surfaced yesterday. A friend of the blog writes: Brian I have a new High Strangeness that was just relayed to me in the breakroom at the warehouse My supervisor’s buddy who works at…