No Christendom Without Christ

ZHPL Blocked

I regret to inform you that the Big-brain Nietzsche Boys are shilling for apostasy again.

ZHP Catholic BrosThat’s nuPaganism apologists for you.

The second their backs are turned to Christ, it’s right back to the child sacrifice.

And it’s not just the BAPists who are trying the “How do you do, fellow dissidents?” shtick.

Jake Klein

Not on my watch

AKA my free time between creating and fostering fun alternatives to Woke corporate IP.

Christendom 1

Christendom 2

Christendom 3
Christendom 4

Christendom 5

For real, though. This “We must abandon Christ to save Christendom!” psyop is just dumb.

Anyone who’s falling for this nonsense has to have a fruit fly attention span.

Or so oblivious as to miss the fact that the regime is smearing, impoverishing, and raiding Christians.

Christendom 6

Meanwhile, controlled opposition outlets are gushing about BAP.

BAP Claremont

How can anyone believe the sudden rash of establishment-backed fake right accounts attacking Christ is organic?

Demons have one rule: “Anything but God.”

Anyone following the same rule is not on your side.

Learn to recognize people who hate the Christ, and stop giving them your time and money.

Read how here:


  1. Every once in a while, their masks slip off. They just can’t help themselves. Which is a blessing in disguise for those who are tempted to make a deal with the devil.

  2. “Interesting photograph” Wow. I don’t think even Devon Stack’s race realism is that callous.

  3. Jab Burrwalky

    BAPism: Woke is bad because it won’t let you be the mean spirited dirtbag rapist you want to be. Now go sign up for the woke Military and Intelligence agencies white boy!!

  4. CantusTropus

    Yeah, that tracks with my own experience. Wasted far too much of my time on Gab trying to reason with them, near-universally in vain. Never met one who had anything even resembling a rational plan, much less a practical one. Generally, they resorted to fantastical pipe dreams or simply ignoring the problem and instead reaffirming the wickedness of their enemies. Just today I saw someone criticise a classical education course for teaching Christendom in Year 3, on the grounds that (to paraphrase) “it all went wrong when people became more loyal to a religion than their own tribe”. I mean, what can you say? If someone actually believes that Germany was better off in 400 AD than in 1400, reason has generally left the building.

    • Xavier Basora


      If the BAPist want a real life, historical example of it all when wrong when people were (still) loyal to tribe even after adopting monotheism, look to Islam.
      Until quite recently, and even then, tribalism has remained untouched.


  5. I’m not conversant in Twitterspeak. What is a ‘BAPist’? A search for the term didn’t help me.

    • Durandel

      Look up Bronze Age Pervert and his Bronze Age Mindset book.

      Narcissism with a pseudo-Nietzschean flare.

  6. Zaklog the Great

    It’s also fun seeing the pagan-LARP talking point that Christianity was a Jewish scheme to destroy Europeans. Really weird how that scheme only started working when Christianity’s influence declined. Under Christianity, Europeans dominated the planet. Now that it’s waning in influence, Europeans at being genocided.

    Yep, that all fits neatly together. No problems with that theory.

    • Xavier Basora

      Zaklog the Great,

      Yeah that reminds me of a nupagans on his twitter thread with a photo of a Turk. He then states he shares more solidarity with the Turk than with the Southern European. Fool! The majority of Turks are genetically Greeks, just like the contemporary Egyptians are Copts despite being Moslem.

      Anyways if paganism is so awesome, why did the post classical world dump it like a candy wrapper? Why was Celsus so ineffective with his diatribes?


    • Embracing that theory requires believing that Jews created a fake religion but also redefined their worldview around rejecting it.

      Imagine if a clique of dissidents decided to destroy Wokism by cobbling together an ad hoc religion. The ringleaders could declare Seth Rich a prophet and the true President, refusing to recant despite imprisonment and death.

      Meanwhile, all other dissidents would not only join the regime in condemning them but forge a new shared identity based on Seth Rich denial.

      Step 2: ?

      Step 3: Demise of the GAE.

    • Jab Burrwalky

      This is straight out of Nietzche’s “Genealogy of Morality,” in which Nietzche writes an alternate, highly simplified, and uncited world history and then asserts a philosophy based on it. Not unlike L. Ron Hubbard, Hobbes, Locke, Hegel and Rousseau.

  7. Christianity being blamed for weakening men and society in general via feminization isn’t a Christianity problem, it’s an American problem, maybe a western one, broadly, that unsurprisingly coincides with the *weakening* of the church as an important social force.

    The fact that they’re still trying to exterminate us even though Christianity is a non-factor in American society really says it all.

    If I’m being charitable, these people are merely wrong. If I’m being cynical, they’re just another branch of the thing they claim to hate.

    • Either way, they’re in denial that they are just what TPTB wanted.

  8. Thom Lapointe

    Internet grifters gonna grift, but by God’s mercy they won’t grift me away from Him.

  9. Alex

    The FBI is running sting operations against TLM attendees for no other reason than zeal for Christ, reverence for the Eucharist, and an interest in ancient liturgical practices. The only weapon the attendees of the TLM wield is the Rosary. That’s enough to send Satan into panic mode and utilize heavy handed tactics against the faithful.

    Meanwhile, BAPtists are posting videos of oiled up, half naked men flexing muscles which will somehow restore Western Civilization?

    • At the same time, the regime’s paid influencers are throwing anti-Christian spaghetti all over Twitter. They’re trying everything from “The Church is dead, and it’s never coming back” to “Your god never existed” to garden variety Francis Derangement Syndrome – sometimes all in the same tweet.

      It’s like something’s got them worried …

      • Alex

        The BAPtists and Pagan LARPers theory is that if America prioritized a white supermajority via mass deportations, incentivizing white births and promoting abortions of non-whites (namely blacks) then it would be free from degeneracy, crime and wokism.

        There’s two problems with that theory. First is that, America was super majority white for most of its short existence and therefore that should have been a check valve for what we’re seeing today. It wasn’t non-whites that spearheaded the Industrial Revolution, hyperinflation, corporate consumerism, foreign wars, the pill, abortion, homosexual marriage, open borders and the like. Even if they make the simplistic argument that Jews are responsible for all of the things I mentioned, the fact of the matter is that plenty of whites were happy to go along with it. If white Gentiles are such a superior race, then we would have been immune to such propoganda.

        The second issue is that Japan is an atheistic, homogenous nation with low crime, high intelligence and a rich culture. How’s that working out for them right now? High suicide, low birth rate, and lagging innovation. Now they’re welcoming in outsiders to sustain its population.

        The problem is, and always has been, original sin. These losers would have us fantasize about America turning into the Northman if we vote, shitpost and meme hard enough. Only God will save us.

        • CantusTropus

          That is one of the critical flaws in said ideology – no matter how you slice it, you end up having to say that White people are *incredibly* easy to fool. Any other interpretation involves either living in a fantasy world or asserting that there are practically no “Real” White people in existence.

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