Managerial Cult Ritual Cant

Psaki Cant
Screencap: X

By and large, I avoid discussing basic presidential politics here. The main reason being that politics, defined as conducting public discourse to decide the optimal way of distributing resources for the common good, is impossible in a one-party state.

But today I’m making an exception to the rule, occasioned by this notice to other members of the managerial cult posted on X by former regime mouthpiece Jen Psaki:

Psaki Cant
Screencap: X

Our aim here today is not to roast Psaki’s magic thinking claptrap about the recent presidential puppet show. Instead, we’ll dissect Psaki’s post to extract and analyze the cultic ritual cant it was composed as a vector for.

Related: Death Cult Lexicon

Here’s that X post again, this time with the cultic ritual cant marked for your convenience and edification:

Psaki Cant Markup

Let’s go over the Death Cult tells in detail.

  • Discussions: a verbal hobbyhorse that every mid-level bureaucrat, woke exec, and kindergarten teacher loves to beat. The uninitiated can be forgiven for assuming the traditional meaning “exchange ideas,” but issuing from the mouth or pen of a Cultist, “have discussions” means “Shut up and listen hard while we lecture you.”
  • Path/going/moving forward: A signifier that indicates “What follows is the current Cult doctrine on this question.”
  • Badverbs: Obnoxious, often superfluous, use of adverbs ending in -ly. Salting one’s speech with these is a reliable means of signaling one’s managerial cult affiliation. Extra points for absurd redundancies like “successfully won.”
  • Tough/bold/brave/fierce/etc.: Don’t discount the effectiveness of using strong, masculine modifiers to describe the most simpering effeminate behavior as a linguistic Death Cult inversion.
  • Conversations: See “discussions”.

Now you should be better able to interpret the confusing and often contradictory statements issued by the organs of our ruling elite. If you take nothing else away from this guide, understand that the one message underlying all of this managerial cult ritual cant is to signal that the speaker is a fellow cultist.

Forewarned is forearmed, so next time you’re at  an HR-led training session, a TEDx talk, or a college class, you’ll be alert for the warning signs.

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  1. Andrew Phillips

    The quality of the writing is also a tell. You’ve noted before how the Death Cult employs passive construction to offer vapid pseudo-apologies. She talks around the point instead of getting to it, starting with the “important debates and discussions” and “political moment” verbiage. It all means “sit down and shut up while we lecture you,” as you said, and then signals an urgent firmware update. I’d be interested to know how quickly “bad debate prep” dropped down the memory hole after Psaki posted this

    • Wiffle

      I am not that much of a writer. When I do write, it’s comments like these. However, my high school English teacher ground out the passive voice in one semester. It shortens sentences too.

    • Excellent point. They don’t call it “Corporate Passive” for nothing.

  2. Wiffle

    How did that wall o’text get a million+ views? Maybe a million views with an unknown number of people actually reading?
    In any case, epic copium here after discovering that an obvious dementia patient can not be prepped into a normal person in public.

  3. D. Cal

    “…so next time you’re at an HR-led training session, a TEDx talk, or a college class, you’ll be alert for the warning signs.”

    If it’s a male cultist, then I won’t need a lexicon. His soy voice will suffice.

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