Vaughn Sentenced for Pro-Life Activism

Vaughn Family

America is a Christian nation.

But on the anniversary of the United States’ independence, pro-life activist Paul Vaughn lost his freedom on the order of a federal judge.

Photo: WIkimedia

Pro-life activist Paul Vaughn, who was convicted on federal charges for his role in a protest at a Tennessee abortion clinic, has been sentenced to three years of supervised release — but he did not receive prison time or any fines.

The July 2 sentencing stemmed from Vaughn’s conviction of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which imposes penalties for obstructing access to services provided at abortion clinics or pregnancy centers. He was convicted of conspiracy to prevent clinic employees from providing, and patients from receiving, reproductive health services, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

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Prosecutors unsuccessfully sought a one-year prison sentence for Vaughn for a demonstration at an abortion clinic in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, on March 5, 2021. In a statement issued through his attorneys at the Thomas More Society, Vaughn said he planned to appeal the conviction and accused the Department of Justice of misusing the FACE Act to convict pro-life activists.

“We must stand and fight for what is right; we cannot bow down to the lie,” Vaughn said. “Laws have to be grounded in truth, they have to align with the ultimate lawgiver, who is Christ Our Lord. The false narratives plaguing our nation will fall when we stand up to them. That is what this case is about and I’m ever thankful to have a legal team who understands that truth and who is willing to fight for it all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.”

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Vaughn was one of 11 pro-life activists convicted of FACE Act violations for the demonstration at the Mt. Juliet abortion clinic. One of the activists, Caroline Davis, took a plea deal and testified against her fellow activists — she received three years of probation. The other activists, who did not take plea deals, could face up to 10 and a half years in prison.

Under the Biden administration, pro-life activists were also charged with FACE Act violations for a protest at an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C., in October 2022. The longest sentence was given to Lauren Handy, who received more than four and a half years in prison. Several other activists received more than one year in prison.

The FACE Act was signed into law in 1994 by President Bill Clinton.

Two years ago, the US Supreme Court overturned the Roe v Wade decision that had legalized abortion nationwide.

US State Abortion Laws

With the abortion decision returned to the states, it’s unclear why a federal law that criminalizes blocking access to abortion clinics remains on the books.

Regardless, it still saw Paul Vaughn sentenced for pro-life activism.

Meanwhile, the majority of Americans who profess Christian faith are left to wonder if the US government has become divorced from the nation it oversees.

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  1. D. Cal

    The real question to ask is why Angloshpere mothers hate their children so badly. Abortion would be a non-issue otherwise.

    • Andrew Phillips

      I don’t know why, except to say they’re death cultists. They don’t just hate their own hypothetical children. They hate everyone and anything which threatens their sense of self-rulership.

      Ever since the “it’s not about the debate” firmware update came out, there’s been a rising wave of moral panic about Project 2025. I hadn’t even heard about it until they started having kittens in public about it. I haven’t bothered to dig deeply since then because Heritage is part of Con. Inc, which makes it another empty, meaningless play for relevance. The left, however, is feverishly memeing about The Handmaid’s Tale and making word salad out of various predictable -isms.

      • D. Cal

        The Death Cult hogs the spotlight these days, but Satan has more tricks up his sleeve than feminism.

        You know the stereotype that rednecks fornicate with their sisters? Here in the “Bible Belt,” we have predatory uncles and older brothers. Their deeds result in pregnant children who grow up into “just abort it if you aren’t ready”-style libertarians.

    • Our culture and religion have been subverted by a wicked people who have seized control of our media. If you want to know who, just search for who considers abortion a “religious right.” And no, I’m neither joking nor exaggerating.

  2. bayoubomber

    This is where I have to rebuke those who think politicians should have a their religious beliefs divorced from their political positions. In context of America being a Christian nation, Christian politicians have been gas lit into leaving their morality at the door of the legislature allowing non Christians laws to lord over the land.

    It is a liberal agenda that started this and only preserved by conservatives who, in fear of an absolute power, also parroted “separation of church and state”. Yet the state already has it’s own religion, jut it won’t openly profess which god it serves, unlike the professing Christian politician should.

    If we want Christian values to return to society, there must be Christian politicians who are elected by a professing Christian people who aren’t afraid to enact policy which serves Christ and his people. The ones who would reject such things (the ones in power today) belong in an asylums or some other segregating facility.

    • Your comment jibes with mine to those who prescribe fornication as a cure for porn addiction. Outlaw both, and watch coomers develop chastity overnight.

      Of course, taking that step will require ditching the Liberal dogma of reducing truth to prefernece. But the abortion bans are encouraging steps in the right direction.

      • bayoubomber

        Using a farming analogy here, but the fruits you attain are based on the environment you grow the seeds in and what you use to nurture it.

        Heck even the Bible relates to this with no good fruit coming a bad tree.

      • Probably due to the fear centered around the increasing skepticism around pornography, I’ve been hearing the old chestnut popping up more recently. You know the one.

        “You can’t ban porn because then they’ll just seek it out illegally.”

        No, they probably won’t seek it out. Once ease of access is removed, the majority will simply not bother going out of their way for it, just as they didn’t when they had to find it in paper bags in the back of small seedy shops. It’s not alcohol where the product itself is the attraction–the product here is merely a means to an end that could be achieved (as disgusting as it is to say) in other ways that won’t risk incarceration or fines. You will even put sex traffickers and drug dealers out of business at the same time. There is no downside to banning it.

        All we really need are people in charge with the moral fiber to push it forward and you will see positive change almost overnight. Those who think otherwise really do not remember that it was really only a quarter of a century ago when this stuff was fringe and taboo. It can go back there again, and become even more frowned upon and despised, as long as the people and those in charge want it to.

        • The question Libertarian coomers can’t answer is “If outlawing smut/abortion/street drugs won’t reduce consumption, why do you care if it’s illegal?”

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