It’s the Final Countdown for Lord of Fate


It’s been incredibly busy around here of late, so today’s post will keep it brief with a quick update:

The final countdown for our trailblazing Lord of Fate campaign is on!

Lord of Fate Cowntdown

To say that this campaign has made history is no exaggeration. Our first Kickstarter smoked every previous Indiegogo milestone, including fastest-funded, record time to stretch goal benchmarks, and the crown jewel: realizing the reader-demanded audiobook.

Burned Book Audio Shadow
Get The Burned Book in audio as a Kickstarter add-on now

Thanks to all our amazing backers for setting these impressive new records. But it’s not over till it’s over. And we’ve still got a two-in-one objective to meet.

Unlocking the awesome Lord of Fate audiobook …

Lord of Fate Audio

While bagging the record for highest-funded campaign in the process

A title currently held by Combat Frame XSeed: SS

XSeed SS 1018

We’ve got until 9:15 Eastern tonight to take the crown, so I know we can do it.

And more importantly, you can secure limited Kickstarter-exclusive rewards

Like sublime artist Marcelo Orsi Blanco’s alternate Lord of Fate hardcover, which is not slated for a regular Amazon launch.

LoF HC Mockup
Artwork by Marcelo Orsi Blanco

The campaign has mere hours left, so do not miss out. Back Lord of Fate on Kickstarter now!