The Burned Book: Now in Audio on Kickstarter

Burned Book Audio

For years, my readers have asked “When will your work be available in audio?”

And thanks to our generous Kickstarter backers, the answer is finally … now!

Burned Book Audio Shadow

From now until 9:15 PM Eastern tomorrow, you can get The Burned Book audio version as an add-on to a Lord of Fate campaign reward. Or if you’re feeling ultra-elite, pledge at the Audiobook Producer Credit tier, and receive a contributor copy of the audiobook, along with your name in the credits.

And of course, we’re not resting on our laureals. The next landmark stretch goal is an audio version of my currently funding dark fantasy novel (The Burned Book‘s sequel) Lord of Fate.

Lord of Fate Audio

The Lord of Fate audiobook will be offered as an add-on when we reach $13K.

And don’t forget the super-secret mystery reward waiting beyond the audiobooks …

Super Secret Goal

Big thanks for our amazing backers’ outstanding support thus far. You’ve gotten us to this historic milestone. So I’m sure we can reach these next epic goals. But tomorrow is the last day of funding,  so don’t miss out, pledge now!


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