Another national election has come and gone. The 2018 US midterms treated voters to an electoral street brawl, complete with cheerleaders, hecklers, and odds makers barking from the sidelines. Numbers guys on both sides predicted big wins for their respective teams. With voter turnout at record highs, the only question seemed to be whether we were in for a blue wave or a red tide.
The actual result has left almost everyone scratching their heads. To use a personal example, I forecast Republicans eking out a narrow House majority while gaining 4 or 5 Senate seats. We now know my first prediction was 180 degrees backwards, since it was the Democrats who won the House by a razor-thin margin.
But that was the only major victory Democrats could claim last night–and a feat hardly worth boasting about. The all-powerful blue wave proved to be pollster agitprop after all, as Dems fell far short of the 70 seats that define a wave election. They also failed to retake the Senate, actually losing 4 seats, which confirmed my prediction for the upper chamber. As a final slap in the face, voters denied the Democrats a majority of the country’s governorships.
It’s still early, but we know enough to make some useful observations about the midterm results.
Let’s take a look at the House first.
- The polls were indeed wrong. The twist is that they actually erred on the side of Republicans in tight races.
- Democrats’ election day turnout was sufficient to mitigate the massive GOP early voting lead.
- Blacks and Latinos still voted Democrat at Soviets-voting-for-Stalin levels. #BuildTheWall
- The MSM pundits were right about Midwestern women in the suburbs defecting from the GOP. #RepealThe19th
- The 40 cuckservative reps who retired for fear of the blue wave cost the GOP its incumbent advantage. Republicans could have weathered all the other factors above if not for this blunder.
- Nearly all the defeated GOP congressmen opposed Trump and/or refused to let him campaign for them.
Now let’s do the Senate.
- The Kavanaugh Effect was real. Donnelly, Heitkamp, and McCaskill, who voted against Justice K’s confirmation, all went down to defeat.
- Trump’s campaign strategy paid off. His focus on Indiana and Florida, for example, helped the GOP win close races.
- Republican senators’ eleventh-hour Trumpist conversion spared them the voters’ wrath, unlike their obstinate counterparts in the House.
- So much for the Narrative that Trump’s populist nationalism is a fad. If he were as unpopular as the Left says, Dems would have taken the Senate.
Any citizenry that would vote to repeal the Nineteenth Amendment… I mean. The level of mass teleology that would require – political power is just the means! contented households that love their neighbors are the end! – would mean we've already won. (Or, I guess, lost either to Islam or Secular Dudebroism.)
Women's political power wholly relies upon men's power. We could take it all away anytime we wanted.
The question you alluded to is "Do we want to?" It wouldn't take convincing the whole populace, or even a majority. Historically, successful social movements require only 10-12% to reach critical mass. According to at least one study I've seen, we're about halfway there.
The gist of your comment is correct. Politics is downstream from culture. And the Left has already lost the culture.
Have they though? As far as I see all mandatory education, academia, most of pop culture, and the entirety of the news, not to mention the rapidly shifting overton window and demographic change is still dominated by the left. Sure most of those institutions are dying (a natural by-product of being controlled by the left, who are fundamentally incapable of creating and maintaining their own institutions) but it seems to be a slow death, with effects felt for decades to come
"Have they though?"
You answered your own question. The Leftist-converged institutions have succumbed to their own poison. Name a funny Leftist comedian. Name the last movie star, pop singer, or novelist that the current system took from obscurity to Tom Cruise, Michael Jackson, or J.K. Rowling status. They don't even have that kind of muscle anymore.
As for the Overton window, we now have the President calling himself a nationalist and Boomercon par excellence Rush Limbaugh dispensing red pills about demographic replacement. It's not only moving our way, the pace is accelerating.
They own all that and this election is the best result they could get? Their gains were about average and they even lost more of the senate.
This does not bode well for them in 2020.
"This does not bode well for them in 2020."
The factors you pointed out don't, but we can't get complacent.
Thousands of felons just got the right to vote in Florida. Barring a major unforeseen development, it's going blue in 2020.
Cruz's win was much slimmer than expected. Even the Dems didn't think they'd get that close till 2024 at the earliest. While O'Rourke lost, other Dems in TX rode his coattails to victory–some in districts held by the GOP for decades.
Demographics are turning against us faster than anticipated, and Trump will almost certainly serve out his first term without passing any signature legislation. He can still win in 2020, but he's playing on hard mode now.
You mean, repealing the Nineteenth Amendment by brute force.
Isn't a shooting war of the sexes precisely the dire scenario the Left is having us careen toward? Isn't the end game for men to love women and women to love men in the truest senses of that word?
It's not a bad Congressman coasting on the feminine compassion vote who's responsible for (picking one of the heavier suspects at random) the fact that people have sex before determining whether the relationship is "serious" or not. Bad Congressmen are responsible for plenty else, but keep your eye on the ball here: there is no political state of affairs so dire that men and women cannot love each other within it. The Soviet Union couldn't manage it, and it actively tried.
Culture is another kettle. At this time, men and women choose mutual selfishness and disdain. If we follow your advice, they'll go toward the active hatred between a tyrant and a slave.
Let's not.
"You mean, repealing the Nineteenth Amendment by brute force."
They got Pelosi, we get more judges
I’ll take the judges
Also, gotta laugh at how as the results were coming in for the senate you could see the leftists moving the goalposts from fucking ORBIT
More good news: AG Sessions has been allowed to resign (i.e. got his ass fired) and Rosenstein to follow. New interim AG, while from Session’s circle, previously wrote an op-ed excoriating the Mueller probe so I’m excited. The gloves are off and Trump’s got a new war dog to unleash. The perfect icing to improve this semi-sweet cake
Senator Schumer already calling on new interim AG Whitaker to recuse himself of the Mueller Probe
"I’ll take the judges"
Smart decision. When the NeverTrumpers were concern trolling during the Kavanaugh affair, urging Trump to abandon his guy or lose the women's vote, I thought, "A judge who'll vote our way for 30+ years in exchange for loss of Congress for 2? OK. I'll take that deal."
If it was anyone but the God Emperor i'd be worried, but he of all people knows how to roll with the punches and turn defeat into a stunning victory. For all those who doubt just remember Kavanaugh
"Senator Schumer already calling on new interim AG Whitaker to recuse himself of the Mueller Probe"
Good luck, Chuck. Whitaker is the guy who publicly called the Mueller probe illegal and a "witch hunt".
Not that I expect Whitaker to fire Mueller. Instead he'll gut the special prosecutor's budget to the point that his office can't afford to by paperclips.
I expect Whitaker to just wring Mueller's neck with his bare hands. Have you SEEN this guy powerlifting? Absolute chad
"For all those who doubt just remember Kavanaugh"
*nods* It hasn't dawned on most people yet that last night Trump disarmed the Left of their most powerful weapon for at least a generation. Abortion, Obamacare, butt marriage–all of Globohomo Inc.'s cultural triumphs have come via their stranglehold on the courts. It'll take a while for Trump and McConnell to finish mucking out the federal court system, but when they're done, it'll stay mucked out.
That's why the Dem talking heads were so glum last night. They knew the Senate was the real prize, and they watched it slip through their fingers.
Important note to interim AG Whitaker: Don't lift alone. Also, curtains don't wear shoes.
“Butt marriage!” I’m dying.
Glad you're entertained. I can't take credit for that one, though.
Interim AG looks good. The potential candidate for new AG looks better.
"Trust Kansas."
After last night, I'm not trusting the state of Kansas any farther than I can throw it. But it is imperative that Trump appoint Kobach–if not to AG then to SCOTUS when Ginsburg "retires".
what's his name? what's his story?
I like the idea of Roy Moore and Alex Jones being the next two SC Justices.
Kobach Attitude #1
Kobach Attitude #2
Immediately after Coach K's confirmation, I proposed that Trump nominate Roy Moore to fill Ginsburg's seat. I stand by that proposal.
Yep, you did, and I'm all over that recommendation.
Alex Jones would be the buttercream frosting on the Justice Moore cake.
Trump could probably find a more suitable role for Jones. How do we like him for FCC Chairman?
I’d be all over that. Have the humble water filter salesman lead the charge in breaking the big tech trists. That’s movie shit right there
FCC Chair who broadcasts regulatory policy weekdays from 1pm to 4pm Eastern?
Yeah, that has legs.
"The 40 cuckservative reps who retired for fear of the blue wave cost the GOP its incumbent advantage. Republicans could have weathered all the other factors above if not for this blunder."
Are you sure they weren't performing their tasks correctly? Palookas taking the fall in the 3rd round?
Warnings about not confusing incompetence for malice aside, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out the cucks threw the election. After all, they were convinced there'd be a blue wave because they themselves set up the conditions for it.
Well the ban hammer has dropped on none other that Slim Jim Acosta. Evidence that the left has lost the culture.
The video loop of his incivility is one of Trump's re-election memes. There'll be others from the Insane posse with wing ™
Acosta's behaviour pretty much sums up the Leftist ideological complex so viscerally and unmistakable.
Pray for Florida and Arizona. The fraud attempts here are brazen, obvious, and infuriating. Hopefully the book is actually thrown at the Dems this time and we see people go to jail over this, for once.
9 people arrested in TX for voter fraud with more pending. Both AZ and FL (Scott) have filed lawsuits for voter fraud. Trump is sending agents down to FL as we speak.
“They (Rs) do not know how to win. I will teach them” – Donald Trump
And boy hasn’t he
Prayers incoming.
Trump warned the Dem machine not to try their usual hijinks. You mess with the bull, you get the horns.