Anime Is Real

Here’s Russian figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva, world champion, record-holder, and 2018 Olympic gold medal favorite, performing as Sailor Moon.

Observation: The moment when she unveils the Sailor Senshi costume–while spinning, you’ll note–is the feminine equivalent of Clark Kent opening his suit jacket to reveal the big red S.

As a classic anime fan, I couldn’t help but picture this as a 26 episode series by Studio Deen made way back in 1992 or so. 


  1. Nathan

    I am curious. What was her music?

    • Brian Niemeier

      A clip from an episode of the anime followed by the show's opening theme.

    • Declan Finn

      The Theme to Sailor Moon….

      What else?

    • Nathan

      I was hoping so. Can't tell from my office cubicle.

  2. Anonymous

    MegaBusterShepard here….

    Moon Prism Power!!

  3. Nate Winchester

    I knew someone who loved Sailor Moon and I'm sad now she never got to see it performed in the Olympics.

  4. Emery Calame

    Well…at least it wasn't Kekko Kamen.

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