The 2016 Hugo Awards ceremony will be held tonight, viz. August 20, 2016, at 8:00 PM Central Daylight Savings Time.
If you’d like to listen in, the event will be streamed live via UStream.
If you’re averse to schoolmarmish hosting and wooden assholes, Rabid Puppies will be holding their own No Award Hugo viewing party online, starting fifteen minutes before the World Con ceremony kicks off. There’s also talk of a few special guests dropping in.
You can register for the RP No Ward show here.
And don’t forget, tonight’s nominees for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer includes yours truly. If you’re among the growing ranks of science fiction readers who now avoid Hugo winning books after repeatedly getting burned by message fic, it’s a safe bet that I’m losing to Andy Weir tonight. So feel free to check out my non-Hugo-winning book Nethereal.
Probably won't be the bitter Noah Ward sweep like it was last time since they used Sad Puppies to boot their favorites, but I'm sure it'll be entertaining none the less.
Prediction noted.
There's speculation that the CHORFs have called off their 1500 No Award voter bloc this year to allow a Puppy sweep and bolster their case for E Pluribus Hugo at the business meeting.
A Tingle victory will indicate that this gambit is in play. A Weir loss means they've doubled down.
A Tingle victory is the only kind of victory there is.
This ought to be entertaining.
Especially if you're at the RP No Award Party 🙂
As it turned out, they kept Weir, but double down every where else. They insist it's their party and the rest of us can just pound sand. The League of the Wooden Assholes didn't work quite as hard this year as last, but they did show up. Apparently works that expose the uglier side of SF have to be suppressed.
"Apparently works that expose the uglier side of SF have to be suppressed."
That was the trap Vox set, and they stepped right into it. The CHORFs have now publicly colluded to suppress evidence of child abuse in their own house. As a Catholic, I can say confidently that attempts to whitewash unpleasant facts like this seldom end well.
Speaking of traps, I wonder the sjw's realize that having to award obviously inferior works to avoid giving puppies a victory is even worse than no awarding a category. At least with no award you can pretend it's a battle against slates. Voting for craps just proves the puppies are right.
They'd have to be capable of self-criticism to reach that conclusion. That's OK. The previously neutral or unaware fans are on to them now. And once you see a pattern…
Being a guest panelist on the Rabid Puppy show last night will probably sell you more books than the Campbell Award would have.
Assuming the widely reported 3% post-Hugo sales boost, the RP panel appearance already beat it 🙂
So they were in such a fit to not vote for something the puppies liked, they actually selected a novel written in the second person. WTF! That perspective is barely tolerable in ancient text based adventure games. To use it for a complete novel is madness.
That's why Jemisin's win is an RP win.