Anime Back in the Day

Anime Back in the Day

Back in high school and college when I was first getting into the anime scene, I came to notice a recurring and highly vexing phenomenon. Bootleg VHS tapes were still the main source of new stuff from Japan back then. Getting our fix legit meant sending away via a mail…
Mecha Resurgent

Mecha Resurgent

Forbes is bullish on the mecha genre's future.What with a giant walking Gundam to be unveiled in Yokohama at the end of this year, it’s worth realizing that this kind of thing doesn’t happen in cultural isolation. So much so, that the last five years has seen a real resurgence of…
9 Volt Comics!

9 Volt Comics!

 ArtAnon announces a new indie comics anthology!Why am I featuring the second 9Volt Anthology? Simple. The theme is Pulp! With over 200 pages of comics by sixteen pro and indie creators, this book is ideal for fans of the indie pulp and comics scenes alike. ArtAnon informs me that the…
Anonymous Ballot

Anonymous Ballot

If these claims of 4 Chan figuring out ways to electronically cancel Washington and Oregon mail-in ballots, America may be farther down the path of decline than we thought.The Gateway Pundit investigated and found that the methods making the rounds online cannot in fact be used to change someone else's…
The Crow

The Crow

Lately, movie reviews and true accounts of high strangeness have become popular post subjects here. With the spooky season upon us and Hollywood on its knees due to Corona-chan, I thought it fitting to post my analysis of a movie that is itself a nexus of high strangeness. Said to…
Alt Revolt out of Control

Alt Revolt out of Control

A recurring theme since the sci fi genre began has been the machine revolt. Whether you date that beginning to Frankenstein or "Rossum's Universal Robots", science fiction has always conjectured that one day, man's inventions would get fed up with us and push back. This sci fi conceit is, perhaps…
Batman Returns

Batman Returns

Tim Burton's first Batman movie was a classic black swan event. Like Star Wars, it was a genre film by a fledgling director whose quirky vision inspired little confidence in the corporate office and the press. Also like Lucas, Burton defied expectations to create a genre-redefining cultural landmark that launched…
Vicki Vale Popcorn

Batman 1989

Back in the 80s, an action movie by a young director with only two films under his belt was shot at a venerable British studio with a motley cast of Oscar winners and veterans of 60s schlock from Hammer/American International. Dismissed as B movie camp by the press, and even…
Combat Frame Data: SCF-001 +Seed Castellan

Combat Frame Data: SCF-001 +Seed Castellan

SCF-001 +Seed Castellan    Technical Data Model number: SCF-001 Code name: +Seed Castellan Nickname: Mitzi Classification: Multipurpose transforming combat frame Manufacturer: PAX, in collaboration with the Saeculum Operator: PAX First deployment: CY 98 Crew: 1 pilot in right chest cockpit, 1 Witness in left chest A.I. bay Height: 19.5 meters Weight: dry weight 97 metric tons, full weight 155…


Robert P. Murphy points out that, not only does the post-scarcity economy portrayed in Star Trek not make sense, it's not really even post-scarcity. In reply to Brad DeLong, an economist on the Trekonomics panel at the New York City Comic Con, Murphy writes: In reality, DeLong is wrong to think…