Editing Defined

Editing Defined

Publishing is an old industry that's assembled its own internal lexicon. As you'll find with any trade, publishing jargon can be difficult for laymen--and even authors--to decipher. A widely misunderstood term is the deceptively simple title of editor. When most people; again even some authors, hear the word "editor", they…
Reviews Matter

Reviews Matter

Reader Xavier draw our attention to an older but still relevant article explaining why book reviews are crucial to an author's success. One reason authors may find it such a struggle to get reviews is because readers may not realize how important they actually are. As authors, we know the…
Simpsons Fall

The Fall of the Simpsons

Super Eyepatch Wolf charts the meteoric rise and precipitous fall of perennial TV fixture The Simpsons. The video proves an objective decline in the quality of the series, explains what made it work in the early years, and reveals how the creative team dropped the ball. Required viewing for anyone…
Appeasement Fails

Appeasement Fails

Following Dragon Con's reversal of their initial policy not to allow authors to withdraw from the Dragon Awards ballot, an SF SJW demonstrates the futility of DC's attempt at appeasement. If any Dragon Con organizers are reading this, please read Greg's words closely. Remember: this comment was posted after the award…
Amazon Keywords

Amazon Keywords

Author David J. West, a.k.a. James Alderdice joined Daddy Warpig, Dorrinal, and myself on Geek Gab to discuss his new book BRUTAL and share his Amazon marketing secrets. In this episode, you will learn: How to pick Amazon keywords to successfully market your book Whether indie authors can benefit from…
The Secret Kings Is Free on Amazon

The Secret Kings Is Free on Amazon

A lot of aspiring authors ask me how they can beat the odds and find success as professional writers. One piece of advice I always give is to know your reason for writing. Do you have one big story that you're driven to get off your chest and onto the…
Reader Mail: Writing Resources

Reader Mail: Writing Resources

A reader writes: I've been reading the exhortations of John C. Wright, Sarah Hoyt, you, and others for some time about the creation of better art; the coining of the term "Superversive" on L. Jagi Lamplighter's blog felt like a much-needed call to rise up from prison.  Indeed, Daddy Warpig's…
Sword and Sorcery

Sword and Sorcery

Today I had the pleasure of chatting with author Howie K. Bentley about sword and sorcery and sword and planet fiction, including his pulpy masterpiece Under a Dim Blue Sun. We also discussed the state of men's SFF and gave some practical writing tips. Hear all this and more on…
Clarity over Cleverness

Clarity over Cleverness

Over at the Castalia House blog, Daddy Warpig dispenses some sage and actionable advice for pleasing readers and thereby making a living as an author. Folks, books are a niche market right now. Novels are a niche of a niche, Fantasy & Science Fiction novels a niche of a niche…
Geeking Out

Geeking Out

Over the weekend I appeared on not one, but two geek-related podcasts. Now you can experience the geekery! First up: on the latest episode of Geek Gab, your intrepid hosts discussed author Nick Cole's productivity checklist. Writers, do you find yourselves stuck in a rut or generally procrastinating? There's a…