Geek Gab Episode 38: The Revenant

This week on Geek Gab, Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal talk about the new Leonardo DiCaprio movie The Revenant. My mic cut out right after we started, but it wasn't much of a loss because I didn't get to see the movie. The technical difficulties were resolved in time for me…
Goodreads Censors Crimethink

Goodreads Censors Crimethink

As the backlash over Twitter's deverification of British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos reverberates through the internet, a parallel controversy involving censorship and libel against other counterculture figures continues to simmer on Goodreads. Before we dive in, it's worth noting a few key points of Goodreads' review policy. Mentioning the author in the context…
How to Set the Price of Your Self-Published Book on Amazon

How to Set the Price of Your Self-Published Book on Amazon

Most publishers are pricing their eBooks too high. How much is an eBook worth? Several factors must be taken into account when attempting to answer that question, and the answer can change depending on the book. Consider Amazon Amazon reserves their best 70 percent royalty rate for eBooks priced between…
The Passion of Milo Yiannopoulos + Superversive SF Livestream

The Passion of Milo Yiannopoulos + Superversive SF Livestream

Last night was interesting, to say the least. Around 5:00 PM Central Standard Time, I'd gathered online with the Superversive SF gang, including Hugo nominees Jason Rennie and John C. Wright for a Google Livestream about SJWs in science fiction publishing. Our special guest of honor was meant to be Breitbart…
Hollywood’s Hate Mail to Its Own Audience

Hollywood’s Hate Mail to Its Own Audience

This intriguing article over at A.V. Club draws attention to the strange fact that James Cameron's 2009 opus Avatar, despite being the highest-grossing film ever made, has failed to leave a lasting mark on popular culture. That article is itself sourced from a Forbes piece by Scott Mendelson, the self-admitted "only…
Interview: Sad Puppies Spokesmanatee Wendell the Manatee

Interview: Sad Puppies Spokesmanatee Wendell the Manatee

Harvard Business School, the Florida state legislature, and interdimensional insurance agents know him as Wendell T. Manatee: CFO of CorreiaTech. Crusaders against Puppy Related Sadness know him as the spokesmanatee for Sad Puppies. But this aquatic American largely remains an enigma to his legions of adoring fans and whiny detractors…
One-man Lynch Mob

One-man Lynch Mob

Most organisms have a well-developed flight response that drives individuals away from danger; thus aiding their survival. As presumably higher lifeforms, the CHORFs in trad publishing should have responded to mounting evidence that the system they're beholden to is crumbling, their shrinking cliques are havens for child molesters, and that…
Book Review: The Cunning Blood by Jeff Duntemann

Book Review: The Cunning Blood by Jeff Duntemann

The dawn of 2016 finds my to-be-read pile one book shorter. A hard sci-fi book review should augur well for the new year. The hard SF book in question is The Cunning Blood, authored by a publishing industry veteran who's worn pretty much every hat in the business: the esteemed…
Tor Books: The Wind Does Not Respect a Fool

Tor Books: The Wind Does Not Respect a Fool

Kahless the Unforgettable will allow Tor's obstinacy--and recount it as a warning to others, It's been six months since public slanders against Tor Books' readers and authors by company employees Irene Gallo, Moshe Feder, and Patrick Nielsen Hayden incited a boycott against the publisher. How is business at Tor these…