Politics Ground 0

Political Ground Zero

It should be obvious to anyone who isn't a luddite shut in or self-deluded that America's political system is broken. Not only is it broken, politics per se are no longer possible. That's because how to organize society for the common good is the role of government, and the matter…

Stochastic Fantastic

New Death Cult ritual incantation just dropped.   Anyone who's been paying attention has noticed that the Cult in charge of Western society has a peculiar lexicon. They use it to identify each other and cast hexes on their enemies. Most of these terms come from STEM fields and are…
Musk Twitter Ruling

Phase 4

The Elon Musk-Twitter court battle is unfolding as Musk anticipated, now that the judge has enacted phase 4 of the billionaire's plan. A judge on Monday ruled that Twitter must turn over documents from a former executive that would show how many ‘fake accounts’ are on the platform. “Twitter needs…

Extreme Rosary

One little prayer chain in front of a church was all it took to make the Death Cult admit what we've known for years. The motive underlying their war against straight, white men is diabolical hatred of Christ. The occupational government of the economic zone once known as Ireland telegraphed…

The New Qult

Since at least 2016, Leftists have been fond of calling Trumpism a cult. This label gained traction when the Q Anon prank bamboozled BoomerCons, and even more so after January 6 of last year. We all know the Death Cult's penchant for projection. But sometimes the rule "it takes one…
Musk Stock

The Selloff

One month after Twitter announced a suit to force Elon Musk to buy them - after fighting to keep him from buying them - a second major sellof of Tesla stock hints that Musk's deal may close after all. Elon Musk sold more than $6.9 billion in Tesla shares, according…
Lords of Salem

Salem Witch

It is with no regret whatsoever that I inform you they still can't say it. Exhibit A: The troll that scuttled in yesterday to snipe at Nick Fuente from behind the cover of Christian morality But is he just a garden variety troll, or a witch? There's one sure way…
MaL Raid

The Tragedy of Trump

If you've been following this blog and others like it these past two years, you know that I and other commentators made a couple of key predictions about the 2020 election's fallout. Chief among them were that ... The regime would convict Trump on dubious federal charges, thus disqualifying him…

Tragedies of the Ages

An important part of being a social commentator is engaging with good-faith arguments that challenge your positions on the topics you cover. That goes double for writers, since it's storytellers who are the new priesthood of our narrative-driven society. That is also why literary critics play a vital if often…
The Altar of the Death Cult

The Altar of the Death Cult

This blog has been diligent in exposing the secular Death Cult our rulers pay homage to. I've documented that it has all the trappings of a religion: An origin story A moral code (though cribbed and twisted from Christianity) Forms of public and private worship The latter include liturgical rites…