XSeed: SS Trailer

XSeed: SS Trailer

Readers have been clamoring for the next installment in the Combat Frame XSeed saga. Now, book 2 in the second explosive XSeed series comes a significant step closer to realization.It's my pleasure to present the brand-new book trailer for Combat Frame XSeed: SS. Watch the teaser now!Big thanks to VideoAnon…
Shapiro – Carano

Shapiro – Carano

In a follow up to the news of Disney's latest middle finger to their audience, it's now been reported that inveterate white knight Ben Shapiro has swooped in to sign fired actress Gina Carano. It's a testament to Con Inc's influence that anyone on the Right met this news with…
Not Visual Media

Not Visual Media

There's an old saying in comics that writers can't draw, and artists can't write. That's an overgeneralization. Sometimes you do get a John Byrne or a Frank Miller, but there is a kernel of truth to the cliche. Because an artist is trained to think in terms of visuals, he…
The Great Star Wars Replacement

The Great Star Wars Replacement

Bounding Into Comics has assembled a list of properties in various media which it deems capable of replacing Star Wars. Following Disney’s takeover of the Star Wars franchise, the storytelling has completely declined epitomized with the absolute failure of The Last Jedi and subsequently The Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian.Not…
Star Wars Is Still Dead

Star Wars Is Still Dead

The big social media sites and entertainment rags are aflutter over Disney firing an actress from their Star Wars brand. She's been charged with antisemitism, but her real crime was failing to understand that America now operates under two sets of rules: one for the ruling uniparty and another for…
Y2K Music Curse

Y2K Music Curse

In response to yesterday's post, reader Scott W.  solicits learned opinions on music producer Rick Beato's claims of a Y2K Curse. For those in too much of a rush to watch the video, Rick observes that a whole slew of bands that hit it big in the 90s fell off…
The Music Men

The Music Men

The more I learn about popular music, the convinced I become about 1997 being ground zero for pop culture's decline. Like all sectors of the entertainment industry, pop music suffered a marked collapse--not just in sales, but in quality--in the late 90s. What happened ca. 1996-1999 that brought popular music…
Zoomers vs Coomers

Zoomers vs Coomers

A major backlash against the Death Cult is fomenting among Generation Z. Consider the following chart. Look closely at the generational trends in attitudes toward pornography. At first, you may be inclined to lament that more Zoomers want porn to stay legal than any other generation polled. But on closer…
Dissident Cinema

Dissident Cinema

One windfall of the Star Wars sequel trilogy fiasco is that it clued millions of ordinary people in to what folks in the counterculture have known for years: Hollywood isn't in the business of producing entertainment for a profit. Instead, the movie industry has become a propaganda factory for the…
Five Fingers

Five Fingers

This story comes from 4chan's /x/ board, so take it with a grain of salt. It does meet the criterion of weird tales purported to be true, so keep an open mind and enjoy.Okay I'm not sure if anyone else out there will find this story very creepy, but it's…