Use the Ring

Use the Ring

Conservatives are fond of invoking the Ring of Power from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings as a symbol of government power. It's easy to see the attraction that metaphor holds for them. Having raised individual liberty and limited government to cardinal virtues, a talisman of ultimate control fits their image…


Going back to the dawn of history, human civilization perpetuated itself in the form of knowledge handed down from one generation to the next. This statement may seem glaringly obvious--and in any other age it would be--but something unprecedented happened in the 1960s in the West.The parents of generations X…
Biden Intervened

Biden Intervened

The ongoing GameStop stock squeeze saga has taken another potentially earthshaking turn. Yesterday, a whistleblower claiming knowledge of happenings inside the offices of trading app firm Robin Hood dropped a huge yet unsurprising bomb on Reddit.I work for Robinhood. Don't kill me.Low-level, technical shit, comp sciences major, not finance side.Guess…
The Big Banks vs The Big Short

The Big Banks vs The Big Short

Subverting the hero of legend is a fad that's risen to prominence in postmodern fiction. Years back, Brandon Sanderson wrote a take on the trope wherein the dark lord wins. Instead of having a new hero rise up to depose the tyrant, he had a gang of rogues rob the…
Musk Melvins Wall Street

Musk Melvins Wall Street

It seems that Donald Trump may have been holding internet autists in check. Because no sooner did he leave office than a bunch of online pranksters rose up to bring Wall Street to its knees. Amateur investors piled further into niche stocks on Tuesday, sending professional short sellers scrambling to…
Where Do You Get Your Ideas?

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?

"Where do you get your ideas?" Writers get this question often. It doesn't lend itself to a simple yes/no answer, so I'm gonna go in-depth with this one. Where ideas come from: Some are lifted from books, movies, TV, etc. and I file the serial numbers off and recombine them.…
Combat Frame Data: Imhullu

Combat Frame Data: Imhullu

Imhullu Technical Data Code name: Imhullu Nickname: Bearded Demon, Red Devil Classification: Ynzu Controller combat frame Manufacturer: Ynzu Operator: Ynzu Controller, codename: Barbarossa First deployment: CY 60 Crew: 1 pilot in full-immersion cockpit in chest Height: 18 meters Weight: 66 metric tons Armor type: "1D" carbyne laminar armor enhanced with fractal diamond isomers Powerplant: Super high-efficiency micro…
Pre-Cult Culture

Pre-Cult Culture

History shows us that whenever one culture conquers another, the victors take pains to rub out or co-opt their new subjects' religion. This dynamic has been on full display for years as the twin cults of our rulers have waged an iconoclastic orgy against Christian culture. One consequence of unfettered…
The End of Politics

The End of Politics

The last president of the United States has left the White House, and with his departure comes the end of politics dating back to America's founding. The hooting and gamboling from the Death Cultists who finally ended the American experiment says it all. They are simultaneously patting themselves on the…
Time Machine

Time Machines

Did you know that you own a time machine? As a matter of fact, you probably own several. Even if you don't have all the necessary components, any missing parts of your homemade time machine will be relatively easy and cost-effective to obtain. In this post, I will tell you…