No Titanic Tickets for Traitors

No Titanic Tickets for Traitors

Now that the Death Cultists are feeling their oats over slaying their orange bogeyman, they're planning an unprecedented sacrificial orgy to appease their gods. In their primitive cosmology the only explanation for their 2016 defeat is infidels angering the spirits with their -isms, so atonement must be made by offering…
Aspirational Marketing

Aspirational Marketing

Most folks in newpub unconsciously stumble out of the gate by calling themselves "indie authors". I know I did. But newpub means more than writing. If you go indie, you accept all the responsibilities of an author AND a publisher. As a result of indies' author-centric focus, a lot of…
Setup Confirmed

Setup Confirmed

It's no stretch to call recent footage leaked from Antifa leader John Sullivan's Discord server a smoking gun that proves Leftist instigation at the Capitol riot.   Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights…
You Can’t Save Everyone

You Can’t Save Everyone

Alric Hart pens a scathing rebuke of current pop culture and correctly points out that, as much as you might want to, you can't save everyone from the Pop Cult. We are constantly stormed by product of bad quality and malicious intent. Turn on your TV, and wait for something…
Generational Rights and Duties

Generational Rights and Duties

Stereotypes get a bad rap, but when you get right down to it, they're just ways of conveying shared social understandings quickly and efficiently. A common stereotype online these days is the trope of the out-of-touch Baby Boomer wagging his finger at younger folks who have less than he did at…
Writing Romance

Writing Romance

One seldom-discussed perk of being a writer is the joy of seeing your back catalog finding new readers. Lately I've heard tell that folks are discovering my second Soul Cycle book, Souldancer. While Nethereal had some romantic elements, romance is much more central to the second book's plot. In preparation for writing it I…


By popular demand, we delve once more into the back catalog of wunderkind-turned-byword-turned-mercenary director M. Night Shyamalan. This blog's reviews of Sham's Eastrail 177 Trilogy chronicled the rise of an earnest auteur, his fall to hubris, his delayed redemption, and his subsequent relapse. But twenty years ago, Shyamalan was riding high on…
Atheist Creation Myth

Atheist Creation Myth

Every religion provides its adherents with an origin story--an explanation for who the faithful are and how their creed came to be. Nu-atheism is no exception. Some would argue that atheism isn't a religion but a lack of belief. Science and logic prove this claim false. Human beings are wired…
Candy Desk Honey Trap

Candy Desk Honey Trap

A catch-22 inherent in outsider politics is that movements outside the mainstream by definition attract misfits and oddballs. Those kinds of folks tend to suffer from a dearth of patience, invites lax vetting of new members. Instead of a big tent, the typical outsider movement often ends up as a…
Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

When I first documented the media-fueled psyop against Pope Francis, I knew the smear campaign had pulled the wool over many Catholics' eyes.What I didn't realize, until a recent Twitter exchange gave me a rather rude awakening, was how hysterical some Francis Derangement sufferers have become.The news cycle memory holes…