Geek Gab

I’m scheduled to appear on the Geek Gab podcast hosted by the geektastic Daddy Warpig!

In case you don’t know (for shame!), Geek Gab is an internet radio show hosted by the Alpha Geek himself, Daddy Warpig. The show’s format is simple. Our gracious host discusses games, movies, comics (anything and everything in geek culture) with a select panel of guests. We’ll also be taking live questions from the Twitter and chat room audiences, so if you’ve got any burning questions for me, don’t hesitate to ask.

Geek Gab airs on YouTube Sunday nights from 7PM-8PM Eastern. I’ll be joining the festivities on December 28. Hope to hear from you!

Update: my Geek Gab appearance has been moved up to Sunday, December 21st at 7PM EST.