Parade Jumping


It’s an open secret in Conservative politics that controlled opposition figures’ main job is jumping in front of parades to neutralize genuine dissent.

I’ve noted this phenomenon for years. But I have to admit, it’s weird being subjected to it.

Freudian slips?

Or deliberate co-option?

You decide:

Don't Give Money to Dailywire

FYI, that’s the official Twitter account of NeverTrumper Ben Shapiro’s rag, which also hosts Matt Walsh’s column.

By the way, the Jeremy referred to in the above tweet, Jeremy Boreing, is the Hollywood producer who invented Ben Shapiro.

Con Inc. grifters and I both say to stop paying people who hate you.

The difference is I don’t exempt Con Inc. grifters from that list.

On the whole, this is a good development. NormieCon shills don’t try to usurp ineffective messages.

Which means the work we’ve been doing on this blog is having an effect.

Living your faith while being attacked from both sides is hard, I know.

Let me show you how to thread that needle, reclaim your dignity, and have fun in the bargain.

Read my #1 best seller now:

Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You


  1. Rudolph Harrier

    Turned on the radio on the way to work to see if the local conservative talk show had moved beyond establishment grifterism. The first thing I hear is a guest saying “the real problem we are having is anonymity on the internet. If these left-wing idiots had to own up to their statements rather than hiding behind a fake screen name, they could be held accountable and they wouldn’t dare say such things. Politicians have only moved as far as they have because they feel emboldened by anonymous online users.” The host of course agreed.

    Guess that answers that. It’s hard to imagine a position which would misread thing so badly while simultaneously benefitting the grifter class at the expense of the base.

    • You can always count on Conservatives to find a way to endorse Left-wing positions.

  2. Chris Lopes

    I have been waiting for years for a column/book entitled “The Conservative Case for Abortion. You know one just has to be coming.

    P.S. Any plans on writing another column on pop culture worship?

  3. Chris Lopes

    I admit I missed that one. I would say it’s unbelievable, but it isn’t. This idiot is actually giving the liberal case and just calling it conservative. I also love the undertone of eugenics in the piece. These people never change.

    • Back in 2013 I came across a similar piece by some lawyer – I think it was in one of the midsized Libertarian rags. What I remember most was the grim spectacle of seeing this guy tie himself in knots, e.g.: “There’s no doubt that abortion entails the taking of an innocent human life, but being unable to murder their children would inconvenience women, so we’re at an unresolvable impasse.”

    • SirHamster

      > This idiot is actually giving the liberal case and just calling it conservative.

      Conservatives are literally retarded liberals. It is still idiocy, but not for the reason you think.

      Expecting retarded liberals to oppose liberalism is a fundamental category error.

  4. JohnC911

    Here Brianniemeier have you got any articles on Generation X?

    I am Gen Y born in 1985. I don’t understand much of Gen X. Many do their own thing and conversation I find hard with many. Baby boomers are selfish and it is all about them and their world view is that of the 60s to early 80s. Gen Xers to what I have seen seems to have a sense extreme political and/or religious opinions on whatever side of issue but it is of the late 80s to 90s. Little sense that the world has change. They don’t seem to listen or care about what you have to say (even with facts). I guess the time period you were brought up in.

    I went to my brother house and he had on Woodstock 99. Man that was interesting. Especially when comparing it to Woodstock 69. The attitudes were so different. Trash was every where, destroying stuff (including fires) and not respecting people (pushing and touching women). The music was Limb biscuit, Red hot chili peppers and MTV. The rebellion and chaos is interesting.

    Mind you the event (Woodstock 99) is organised by baby boomers and complete disaster. A part of that is not understanding generation X, a comment by a baby boomer in the event was maybe they don’t have enough love. Woodstock 69 organised by silent generation and peaceful.

    • My experience of Gen Xers is probably the same as yours, viz. laughing at the college kids in plaid who hung around the coffee house playing white blues before retiring to the parking lot to smoke weed – all while taking themselves way too seriously.

    • Luke West

      Generation X here. I was born in 1975.

      I’m not a generational expert, like Brian and some of his other comment writers. But I can tell you that cynicism is giant piece of the pie for Generation X people. We were lied to, just like Gen Y, for decades by Boomers, and were among the first wave of kids/young adults to see reality slap them in the face. The first generation that the Boomers sent over the wall to storm the next trench armed with nothing but a college degree they didn’t need, loans they wouldn’t be able to repay in a timely fashion-if at all- and the “knowledge” that anyone could have the American Dream as long as the ‘pulled themselves up by their bootstraps’. None of that was true, or at least, it wasn’t true anymore.

      Our generational cynicism sent so many Xers into dejected, disaffected state of apathy. I’m not excusing it. Only offering an explanation.

      I dropped out of college in my 3rd year when I realized my future ‘career’ was more my Boomer guidance counselor’s bright idea than my own. I had sunk three years of study into something I had a lukewarm interest in to begin with. But we were raised to trust our teachers and guidance counselors. Some people learned this too late.

      As to Matthew Martin’s comment about the OG Woodstock, both of my parents attended the original- an “accomplishment” that almost elevates them to High Priest status in Boomer cult. My mother is still an avowed Communist (I was raised to be a good Commie, by the way, but went Apostate) but my father has mellowed over the years. And the stories he tells are not tales of ‘peace, love and joy’. Far from it. Drug-addled bacchanalia and debauchery, shocking amounts of violence and sexual assault, spiced up with music, if and when you could actually hear the music.

      Boomers made that Woodstock movie. And they had a vested interest in it having a certain image.

      • “I dropped out of college in my 3rd year when I realized my future ‘career’ was more my Boomer guidance counselor’s bright idea than my own. ”

        You are a wiser man than I.

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