Double Agent Poso

Double Agent Poso

"Always have one hand reaching up for the next rung of the ladder, and have one reaching down to help the next guy up." That's a maxim I've lived by since starting my newpub career. But conservative indie authors and readers are starting to notice that the e-celebs packaged as…

Not Mad Max Yet

If you frequent online dissident circles, you'll soon encounter the idea of the collapse. Though devised by history scholars a century ago, the idea that civilization now faces a great decline is popular with ex-Trump supporters alienated by the MAGA movement's failure. Embracing the collapse, they say, is the final…
Trump DeSantis

Political Theater

Whatever your opinion of the midterm election results, the one conclusion no sane, intelligent person can draw from this public farce is that the system works. With a brain trauma patient going to the senate, the only explanations are that the process is rigged, so the people's will doesn't matter;…
Funko Stock

Funko Bounces Back

People with taste celebrated on Friday, when Funko stock plummeted almost 60 percent. But like the antagonist in the last minutes of an 80s slasher flick, Funko has bounced back. Left for dead by a great many investors late last week, Funko (FNKO 0.59%) stock experienced quite the revival on…
Green Shoots Forest Fire

The Cleansing Fire

Back when the regime started imposing medical tyranny under the aegis of hastening the return to normal, the internet sages prophesied that "normal" would never come back. Like Vietnam or 9/11, our rulers' response to Corona-chan marked a point of no return the culture could never bounce back from. Take…
Hayter Hate

Hayter Hate

Let the above image serve to remind you that the people behind the product you consume hate you. The Death Cultists responsible for your beloved childhood IPs hold you in contempt and seek to use your attachment to convert you. Put away childish things. Put on the armor of God.…
Nostalgia Sale

Nostalgia Sale

On a recent trip to a local used video game store, a fellow Gen Y friend puzzled over the religious devotion lavished on 80s and 90s IPs by Ys. As our generation enters middle age, many of us increasingly turn our natural religious impulse to Pop Cult relics. More and…

The Mediocrities’ Revenge

Here at the fall of Western civilization, it's more important than ever to preserve memories of history's greatest culture. I'm old enough to remember when the manufactured outrage against Columbus Day started to gain traction. I also remember the anemic response from BoomerCons, who couldn't conceive that the institutions and…
Depression Rates by Age

Generation Depressed

Having pointed out the faults of Generation Y, this blog turns its scrutinizing eye to the Millennial generation. Happiness comes from living in harmony with God, neighbor, nature, and oneself. By that standard, Millennials might be the most disordered, and therefore miserable, postwar cohort. Exhibit A: their astronomical depression rates.…
Adult Happy Meal

Adult Cult Meal

It might be low-hanging fruit, but the new adult Happy Meal from McDonald's demands coverage on this blog. If only because it's the quintessential intersection of my Lost Generations model and the Pop Cult. McDonald's is serving up nostalgia with new “boxed meals” for adults that look like Happy Meals…