Pop Culture Time Slippage

Pop Culture Time Slippage

About fifteen years ago I started noticing a curious phenomenon--a sort of jump-cutting in time. The effect wasn't internally consistent, like when I sit down to write at 7 PM, get into a groove, and suddenly it's midnight. The temporal anomaly I'm referring to is oddly selective. What happens is…
Typewriter Monkey

A Million Digital Monkeys

Hollywood gets short shrift around here, and it's easy to see why when they not only insist on accelerating ever farther out of touch, but reveling in it. Actress Geena Davis's latest role is getting artificial intelligence bots to monitor movie scripts to make sure Hollywood remains politically correct. The…
Before the Internet

Before the Internet

The pervasive sense of having been mugged by reality is a defining feature of Generation Y. As the last generation with personal memories of the pre-9/11 world, Ys have entered middle age with deep existential confusion over their role in society. Was "gorge on snack food, Nintendo, and Saturday morning…
American Flag Blindfold

Renfield Americans

An enduring meme phrase used to describe out-of-touch and out-of-control Western elites is "the Vampire Castle." This term gained traction because it's easy to picture people like Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, or Klaus Schwab dangling upside down from the rafters of some crumbling fortress overlooking the Rhine.  They may as…
Link's Awakening

A Link to the 90s

Recently in my internet wanderings, I chanced upon a rare buried treasure--the sort that used to pop up regularly before the death of the web. The following piece of archived video only runs three minutes, but in that short time it captures the look and mood of Nintendo headquarters in…

Don’t Need a Weatherman

...to tell you which way the shitstorm's blowing. Over the weekend, the accelerating decline of online culture experienced a fleeting reversal with the return of Mister Metokur. If you're not familiar with the digital gadfly also known as the Internet Aristocrat, the Weatherman, Daddy, or simply Jim, he started as…

The White Pill-Black Pill Rollercoaster

A vicious cycle that tends to afflict dissidents is the white pill-black pill rollercoaster. You see this phenomenon when some news story seems to signal a reversal of--or at least a pause in--the West's long cultural decline. The white-piller gets a dopamine rush that puts him on cloud nine. When…
Video Gambling

Video Gambling

If you're familiar with the refined generational theory discussed on this and other counterculture blogs, you know that Generation Y is clearly differentiated from the Millennials by the latter's gullibility and loathing of the past in contrast to the former's tractability and morbid nostalgia. Of all the pop culture stories…
OnlyFans Dead

Winning the War on Porn

The generational shift against porn I noted a while back may have started bearing fruit sooner than expected. In a surprising announcement, the social media application OnlyFans said that they would no longer permit “sexually explicit content” on their site starting Oct. 1. The shocking news comes after the media…
Nostalgia Bar

The Nostalgia Bar

Much has been written on this blog and others about generational theory and nostalgia. Counterculture writers have done extensive work showing how the old demographic models based on age have broken down in the face of accelerating social change.  If your predictions are based on lumping folks who came of…