Nostalgia Sale

Nostalgia Sale

On a recent trip to a local used video game store, a fellow Gen Y friend puzzled over the religious devotion lavished on 80s and 90s IPs by Ys. As our generation enters middle age, many of us increasingly turn our natural religious impulse to Pop Cult relics. More and…
Depression Rates by Age

Generation Depressed

Having pointed out the faults of Generation Y, this blog turns its scrutinizing eye to the Millennial generation. Happiness comes from living in harmony with God, neighbor, nature, and oneself. By that standard, Millennials might be the most disordered, and therefore miserable, postwar cohort. Exhibit A: their astronomical depression rates.…
Adult Happy Meal

Adult Cult Meal

It might be low-hanging fruit, but the new adult Happy Meal from McDonald's demands coverage on this blog. If only because it's the quintessential intersection of my Lost Generations model and the Pop Cult. McDonald's is serving up nostalgia with new “boxed meals” for adults that look like Happy Meals…
Student Debt Burden

Mammon Mobbery

In a last-second move that surprised no one, the Mammon Mob has leapt to the defense of big bankers and the grave sin of usury. In a remarkable reversal that will affect the fortunes of many student loan borrowers, the U.S. Department of Education has quietly changed its guidance around…
Ferris Bueller

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

The 1980s teen comedy genre isn't a field known for producing great art or artists. Nostalgia blinds most contemporary viewers to the weed and fornication-fueled subversion beneath the presentable Reagan-era exterior. As film critics have pointed out, Hollywood got even more subversive in reaction to the conservative political turn. And…

Panic Rewind

As the 1980s vanish in the rearview mirror of the speeding clown car that is America, Generation Y's role as the last cohort with personal memories of that era gains added importance. The closest thing to a political vision that Conservatives have pushed for Millennials' and Zoomers' whole lives is…

The Death of Metal

Members of older generations have taken to lamenting the musical taste - or lack thereof - displayed by Generation Z. It's easy to understand why. Every generation from the Boomers to the Millennials was raised on rock & roll. That definitive American music genre not only served as a cross-generational…
Terminator_John Connor

Gen Y Profiles: John Connor

James Cameron  may have gone full Pop Cult in a frenzy of giant smurf Gaia worship, but his past career leaves no doubt as to his visionary status. Starting in the 80s and throughout the 90s, he displayed an uncanny knack for getting out in front of Hollywood trends. And…
Burger King

The King’s Tomb

In "Take me back, I want to go back" news, unwitting urban archaeologists have uncovered the sealed tomb of the King. New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer Thursday could not resist getting a peak at a Burger King that closed more than a decade ago but remained intact. Meyer posted…


The Democrats are making noises about student debt relief in the run up to the elections. That assault on fiscal and personal responsibility has roused principled Conservatives from their Barcaloungers to crusade against forgiveness. Joking aside, this blog has covered how making interest-bearing loans not backed by collateral to teenagers…