Cain and Abel

Evil Cult Is Evil

Some people still think I'm engaging in hyperbole when I describe the contemporary Left as a Death Cult. They cling to that opinion despite the Left embracing child sacrifice and mutilation as sacraments. And that was before they started being open about murdering people they disagree with. Now, a Twitter…
Student Debt Burden

Mammon Mobbery

In a last-second move that surprised no one, the Mammon Mob has leapt to the defense of big bankers and the grave sin of usury. In a remarkable reversal that will affect the fortunes of many student loan borrowers, the U.S. Department of Education has quietly changed its guidance around…
Pro-Lifer Raided

They’re Coming for Christians

For years, Christian dissidents have been warning that the regime's de facto established Cult would use its power to persecute the Church. Death Cultists and WigNats alike downplayed our ruling class' animosity toward Christ. But now, the government persecutions have begun. A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of…

Paranormal Beliefs

A while back, Chapman University did a study to determine the prevalence of paranormal beliefs among Americans. Majorities professed belief in Atlantis and ghosts. The unstated assumption behind the poll - and all polling - is that the majority's opinion matters. Indeed, we're often told that a majority supports democracy,…
The Real Independents

The Real Independents

As often happens, some recent discussions on Twitter provided teachable moments for my lesson in checking the backgrounds of anyone being sold to you online. It all started when @JoKaiGonZo roasted a cringe video by dress enthusiast Steven Crowder. The folks in the replies noticed a pattern.   And you…

Wolf Government

Student debt relief's return to the forefront of American political theater has thrust a previously obscure operator into the limelight. A sharp-eyed Twitter user brought the above convo to my attention on suspicion of witchery. One can be excused for thinking that a pair of usury defenders quoting Scripture to…
Crowder Dress

Tweeter Before He Was a Jersey Girl

Summer is winding down, and that means another round of midterm elections is almost upon us. The regime's policy of fueling bloodbaths abroad and economic chaos at home has met a public reception on par with a post-Starship Troopers Verhoeven movie. The High Party was facing its own electoral massacre,…

The Portnoy-Crenshaw Axis

As if to complement yesterday's post about Con Inc. grifters trying to usurp and bury authentic dissidents, "barstool Conservatism" mouthpiece David Portnoy has enmeshed himself in a Twitter flame war against right-wing gadfly Alex Stein. To clarify, @stoolpresidente is David Portnoy's Twitter handle.   Note that Portnoy was ratioed into…

Parade Jumping

It's an open secret in Conservative politics that controlled opposition figures' main job is jumping in front of parades to neutralize genuine dissent. I've noted this phenomenon for years. But I have to admit, it's weird being subjected to it. Freudian slips? Or deliberate co-option? You decide: FYI, that's the…
Politics Ground 0

Political Ground Zero

It should be obvious to anyone who isn't a luddite shut in or self-deluded that America's political system is broken. Not only is it broken, politics per se are no longer possible. That's because how to organize society for the common good is the role of government, and the matter…