Soon to Be Forgotten Remakes of Recent Classics

Soon to Be Forgotten Remakes of Recent Classics

I've written about Hollywood's devolution into an assembly line for ill-advised remakes. As a follow up to that post about (then) upcoming reboots, reimaginings, and ripoffs, here are some remakes of films from the 70s, 80s, and 90s which, unlike the classic originals, are doomed to oblivion. RoboCop 2014 One…
When Is a Movie Not a Movie?

When Is a Movie Not a Movie?

When it's a cynical propagandistic cash grab. Actually, we can scratch the last part now that Ghostbusters 2016 has failed to beat the opening weekend domestic box office take of Ghostbusters II. Here are the numbers Ghostbusters II: $29,472,894 (June 16, 1989) Ghostbusters: $46,000,000 (July 17, 2016) At first glance I seem to have…
In Defense of Ghostbusters (1984)

In Defense of Ghostbusters (1984)

I really shouldn't have to do this. At this point, the best course of action for everyone is to dismiss the artistic and moral failure that is Ghostbusters 2016, let the remake die a quick, unmourned, and forgotten death, and rest secure in the excellence of the one true Ghostbusters film. But…
Hockey with Astronauts: Reactions to my Amazon Author Earnings Graphic

Hockey with Astronauts: Reactions to my Amazon Author Earnings Graphic

Reactions to the graphic I made comparing author earning levels to the populations of various areas and  groups caught my by surprise. The chart, based on Author Earnings figures for 82% of Amazon sales from May 2016 and the survey quoted here, drew a wide range of responses from aspiring…

Geek Gab: Independence Day 2: Try Harder

We're back with more blockbuster movie reviews and bear wrestling! Join the Geek Gab gang as Daddy Warpig grapples with the new Ghostbusters' cynical humorlessness, John wrestles bears for Pepsi, and I explain how the new Independence Day is a stealth campaign ad for America's only sane presidential choice: William…
Reminder: There’s No Voting Our Way out of This

Reminder: There’s No Voting Our Way out of This

[Note: this post was originally published on 12/18/2015. In light of recent events, it seemed expedient to repost it.] A previous post on how the tide is turning against legacy media and its Leftist bias drew commenters who rightly observed that I offered no solutions for the current political crisis.…
Console Wars: The Secret History of Gaming

Console Wars: The Secret History of Gaming

I just finished reading Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle that Defined a Generation. This intriguing book's subtitle is somewhat misleading for two contradictory reasons. First, it doesn't only deal with Sega and Nintendo, but touches on almost every industry player worth mentioning from the 1983 video game crash…
The Dragon Awards: Readers Suggest Souldancer

The Dragon Awards: Readers Suggest Souldancer

Among the many revelations of Larry Correia's Sad Puppies campaigns, one of the most eye-opening is the surprisingly small voter base of what used to be science fiction's most prestigious award. The Hugos' increasingly niche place in the exploding SF scene is readily apparent when you consider that last year's…

Penny Dreadful: Geek Gab Episode 59

On this week's episode of Geek Gab, Daddy Warpig delivers a rousing dissertation on the decline of contemporary horror. Exhibit A: Showtime's Gothic horror series Penny Dreadful. Has the horror genre lost its way in recent years? Listen in and find out! When you're done listening, read my top 20…