Like a Lead Balloon

Like a Lead Balloon

As a vindication of yesterday's post, polling shows white support for BLM evaporating. The mainstream media have done their best to memory hole the previous collapse in support for BLM, when a sniper associated with the movement assassinated five Dallas police officers in 2016. It's especially noteworthy that support for BLM…
Devil Horns

Don’t Don the Devil Horns

Wherein I lay out the morally and rhetorically correct response to the Death Cult's demands for reparations. From Twitter:   To recap: The Left isn't after anything rational. They are a hysterical Death Cult motivated by moral posturing which reinforces their sense of identity. They reinforce the sense of moral superiority…

Moral Grandeur

Star Wars is dead, the Witches who've co-opted the franchise hate us, and you know my take on supporting such. That said, one of my mutuals on Twitter recently steered me toward an Orthodox archbishop's review of Return of the Jedi. This review was written during the movie's original run,…

Support Cruci-Fiction!

My brother from another mother Adam Lane Smith is back, and he brought Hell on Earth with him. Thankfully, postapocalytpic knight Gideon Ira is there to send the demons packing to their father below! Gothic horror: Power armor and candlelight When you enter Castle Bloodghast, you feel it seething. This…
Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You

Generational Wealth

A commenter writes: Are the elites who are running this of the same quality of mind as their great and great great grandparents who started much of this at the turn of the century? My impression is the current crop is lacking in patience, and is not as equipped as…

Don’t Take the Bait

First, a piece of good news for those who've rightly grown frustrated with the clergy's often muddled response to the current wave of Death Cult iconoclasm. To their credit, the Archdiocese of St. Louis is largely getting it right. In a statement on Sunday, the Archdiocese of St. Louis defended…

The Star Knight Saga Returns!

Return to Galactic Christendom with the second book in Author Bradford Walker's Star Knight Saga. Funding now on Indiegogo! From the first book: In the Year of Our Lord 3001, the space pirate Red Eyes brings his pirate fleet to bear against Galactic Christendom. He aims to steal one of…
Queen of Peace

Florida Man vs the Latin Mass

Over the weekend, the Death Cult stepped up its attacks on the Church, taking a major step toward the imminent martyring of Christians. A Florida man was arrested Saturday after plowing his vehicle into a Catholic church and then setting the building on fire as parishioners were inside preparing for…
She Was Robbed!

She Was Robbed!

Amid the endless revelations of Hollywood's current moral and creative decay, it's refreshing to look back to the movie industry's Golden Age, when the scandals and intrigues at least had a hint of novelty. Take the case of Alice Brady, one of the talented few whose career survived the end…

De Magisterio et gentibus

For ordinary Christians, particularly Catholics, the mixed messages sent by clergy in regard to issues of race have been confusing to say the least. What does the Church really teach about race? The brilliant Classical Theist has thankfully done the heavy lifting to shed Magisterial light on the subject. If…