Society Is Not a Social Construct

Society Is Not a Social Construct

Regular readers of this blog know I've devoted a significant number of posts to exposing the faults inherent in Liberalism. That's not merely to say the political shorthand employed by the Generals to mock the Globetrotters. It refers to the broad category of Liberal political philosophy of which Conservatism itself…
early 80s

The High 90s

A raging debate between members of Generation Y and the Millennials revolves around this question: Which decade was superior--the 1980s or the 1990s? As with the prevailing generational models themselves, cultural eras defy easy sorting into neat and tidy boxes. What we tend to think of as 1960s culture, for…
Combat Frame XSeed: S Preview

Combat Frame XSeed: S Preview

My loyal readers have been waiting patiently for news about my next Combat Frame XSeed book, and patience should be rewarded. Without further ado, here is a sample chapter from Book 1 in a brand-new XSeed series--Combat Frame XSeed: S. Cassone Extrasolar Colony, Common Year 98 Second Lieutenant Dex Trapper…
Death Cult Lexicon

Death Cult Lexicon

One surprising insight uncovered by yesterday's post on the T-Witch is that some among the counterculture still mistake the Death Cult's ritual cant for normal, if jargon-riddled, English. A vital aspect of Cult behavior that normal folks must always keep in mind is that all of a Witch's faculties are wholly…
Starts with T and Ends with Witch

Starts with T and Ends with Witch

The gaming scene acquired a rep as the last untaken hill in the culture war. These days it's more like the Death Cult's test market, as each day brings a fresh enormity inflicted by the industry upon its customers. Today's gamersphere fracas concerns the inauguration of a Safety Advisory Council…
Cracks in the Speech Dam?

Cracks in the Speech Dam?

It's been a year since the Trump administration made waves by announcing a DOJ antitrust investigation of Google. Folks in the counterculture who've lived under the looming threat of unpersoning since before Trump took office got their hopes up. But like the Wall and the EO ending birthright citizenship, that…
Combat Frame Data: XCD-001-4

Combat Frame Data: XCD-001-4

  XCD-001-4   Technical Data Model number: XCD-001-4 Code name: XSeed Classification: energy weapon optimized Sentinel use combat frame Manufacturer: ISBC Operator: CDF, UCAF First deployment: CY 56 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 19 meters Weight: dry weight 65 metric tons, full weight 75 metric tons Armor type: "1D" carbyne…
How Amazon Cut Your Royalties Under Your Nose

How Amazon Cut Your Royalties Under Your Nose

Since the dawn of KDP, indie authors have been questing for the newpub holy grail: that magic formula for earning a living on Amazon. If we rendered KDP in visual terms, it would look like the Valley of the Kings or the Dakota Badlands, with hopeful authors digging away like…
Corona Kayfabe

Corona Kayfabe

As the Coronavirus lock down drags into its second month, the stress is starting to take its toll. By and large, people are channeling their cabin fever into arguing about the lock down online. Granted, venting to randos on social media is a good way to blow off steam. But…
Victory Defeated JRPGs

Victory Defeated JRPGs

Besides writing best selling books, I've kept myself occupied during the Corona-chan lock down by going back and playing some classic games. Mainly I've been revisiting celebrated titles from console gaming's 8 and 16-bit golden age. To say it's been a trip down memory lane would be an understatement. I've…