Amazon: Killing the Golden Goose

Amazon: Killing the Golden Goose

Author David Stewart recently produced an excellent video on recent shenanigans in the eBook market. Based on rumblings he's heard from readers and other authors, David sees an eBook market contraction on the way. As usual, he's done his homework, and I think he's on to something. See for yourself.…
Combat Frame Data: YCR-015-2

Combat Frame Data: YCR-015-2

YCR-015-2 Zwei Dolph Custom: Sieg Friedlander Colors    Technical Data Model number: YCR-015-2 Code name: Zwei Dolph Custom Nickname: Roter Stier Classification: custom high mobility, energy weapon optimized combat frame Manufacturer: Seed Corporation Operator: Systems Overterrestrial Coalition First deployment: CY 1 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 19.5 meters Weight: 45 metric…
Scary Computers

Scary Computers

Political Hack Bill Mitchell has gone on a Twitter tear that amply demonstrates why I call basic Conservatives the Suicide Cult. The above may not be the platonic ideal of a Boomerpost, but it's certainly in the running. Submitted for your consideration: one of Bill's "Scary Computers" Corona-chan world tour:…
Remember Thou Art Dust

Remember Thou Art Dust

... And to dust you shall return. Ash Wednesday has arrived to usher in the Lenten season. During this time of preparation for Easter, Christians are encouraged to renew and deepen our vigilance in prayer, fasting, and penance. Before His glorious Resurrection, Our Lord first had to pass through His…
Cultural Iconoclasm

Cultural Iconoclasm

Commenter JD Cowan asks, So what does it say about the "conservatives" the stayed out of it [#GamerGate] and let the Ys fail while the "liberals" let their guys succeed? This tapestry is weaved much tighter than I first thought. My answer: It's simple. There are no Conservatives. There never…
The Coof Cult

The Coof Cult

As the world braces for the looming coronavirus pandemic, scattered details are emerging of a deliberate and sinister motive behind the outbreak. Kudos to internet sleuth Mister Anti-Bully and Metokur's Sweetie Squad for piecing this horrifying puzzle together. Jim's friend's Twitter feed has gained a well-deserved reputation for breaking news…
The Past as Battlefield

The Past as Battlefield

As the twenty-first century enters its third decade, we leave behind a landmark phase of the culture war that has raged hot and cold since before many of you reading this were born. The recently concluded stage of the battle for Western civilization saw one side drop its mask and…
Witch Test Alternative?

Witch Test Alternative?

Some of my stalwart and respected Twitter mutuals have been administering clinical trial runs of an alternate method to diagnose and treat witchery. Here it is in a nutshell: The Name 3 approach looked promising, with reports of early success. But could it a) unmask Death Cult witches attempting to…
Who Could Have Predicted

Who Could Have Predicted

... that importing Latin American congregants instead of catechizing and evangelizing at home would blow up in American bishops' faces? Peter’s Pence, the annual collection advertised by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as raising money for the charitable works of the pope, is the subject of a class-action lawsuit…
CLs and FSWs

CLs and FSWs

Art by Chris Emerson The great Ethan Ralph takes to his venerable blog once more to decry YouTube's censoring of rising Paleocon star Nick J. Fuentes. The banning of Nick Fuentes from YouTube is generating a great deal of discussion across the broader internet about the future of free speech online and…