Sacrificial Lambs

Sacrificial Lambs

With the MAGA movement going the way of the Tea Party and the Death Cult's hatchet men in Big Tech increasingly flexing their muscles, we're now able to view the heady days of 2016 in historical context. One of the most tragic yet edifying spectacles of the last presidential election…
Happy St. Nicholas Day

Happy St. Nicholas Day

From the Roman Martyrology: This Day, the Sixth Day of December At Myra, the metropolis of Lycia, the birthday of St. Nicholas, bishop and confessor, of whom it is related, among other miracles, that, while at a great distance from the emperor Constantine, he appeared to him in a vision…
Lost Boy-Finders Connection?

Lost Boy-Finders Connection?

Cryptid researcher Bob Gymlan presents a detailed account of a truly chilling missing persons case: the disappearance of six-year-old Dennis Martin from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Multiple oddities intersect to make this case deeply disturbing--doubly so for parents of young children. Still, forewarned is forearmed. Gymlan--along with investigator…
No American Man

No American Man

Has won a Hugo Award since 2010. Special thanks: @MorlockP Kidding aside, we've now gained enough distance from the Sad/Rabid Puppies campaigns to do a proper postmortem on the Hugos. To recap, author Larry Correia started the Campaign to End Puppy-Related Sadness when he smelled something rotten among the oldpub…
Profile in Fortitude

Profile in Fortitude

Sixty percent of Americans claim to be Christian. If one percent of us found our spines like this man did, the Death Cult would be overthrown tomorrow, and Clown World would be reduced to a cautionary tale of what happens when effeminacy weakens a people's fortitude. For those who haven't…
The Purpose of Your Life

The Purpose of Your Life

... could be to serve as a warning to others. As Devon Stack learned when he stepped outside his comfort zone to document the wreckage left in the wake of a wasted life. As with all of Stack's videos, this one is worth every second of your time: I've seen…
Black Friday Book Sale

Black Friday Book Sale

My good friend and fellow author Hans G. Schantz is running a Black Friday mega sale this weekend only. Get a ton of outstanding books by superb newpub authors, each for just 99 cents! Featured books include: Maxwell Cain: Burrito Avenger by Adam Lane Smith The Unexpected Enlightenment of Rachel Griffin by…
Have a Cozy Thanksgiving

Have a Cozy Thanksgiving

With the Groypers Thanks be to God for my family, my friends, and you, my cherished readers! May all your Thanksgivings be cozy. And for those with long car rides or layovers this holiday weekend, escape into adventure with the captivating Soul Cycle!
Books Are Not Head Movies

Books Are Not Head Movies

A number of readers have asked me to explain my frequent editing advice against writing by playing a movie in your head and transcribing what you see. To complement the inherent advantages the novel has over film as a storytelling form, here are a few proscriptive reasons to avoid approaching novel…
Student Debt Jubilee Now

Student Debt Jubilee Now

Zero Hedge reports that college tuition has grown at more than double the rate of inflation. As the issue of college affordability continues to be a prominent talking point on the campaign trail ahead of the 2020 presidential election, a new study shows that the cost of a college education…