Marching From Victory to Victory

Marching From Victory to Victory

The Groyper War against the shills in Conservative Inc. continues to buck the trajectory set by previous internet revolts. Like its predecessors, it started organically as a cri de coeur by frustrated youth who've caught on to the fact that organizations which ought to serve their interests are instead treating…
Combat Frame Data: GCD-02 Heavy Armor Gemini

Combat Frame Data: GCD-02 Heavy Armor Gemini

GCD-02 Heavy Armor Gemini Technical Data Model number: GCD-02 Code name: Gemini Classification: general purpose heavy armor combat drone Manufacturer: Lunar Underground Operator: HALO/Lunar Underground First deployment: CY 40 Crew: x2 integrated strong A.I. Height: 24 meters Weight: 182 metric tons Armor type: "1D" carbyne laminar armor Powerplant: x3 cold fusion reactor, max output 1796 KW, 1727 KW, and 276 KW…
The Death of the Mid List

The Death of the Mid List

... has not been highly exaggerated. As megabestsellers command more of publishers’ marketing budgets and retailers’ shelf space, breaking out the next crop of hit makers has become a challenge. Book publishing has long been a hits-driven business. The bestsellers, the logic went, paid for the flops. And it was…
Unfriendly Eyes

Unfriendly Eyes

It seems my High Strangeness series has attracted its fair share of interest. Today a reader relates his own encounter with the unexplained. I have a tale to tell, similar to some of those recounted by your friends or other readers. This one comes from the mid-‘80s. We were recently…
A Diabolical Mockery

A Diabolical Mockery

I'm fond of pointing out that Progressivism is no longer--if it ever was--a political ideology, and is in fact a fanatical Death Cult which manifests as a heresy and mockery of Christianity. Some have asked exactly what the Death Cult's relationship to Christianity is and how it broke off from the…
The Groyper War

The Groyper War

The Conservative movement's total failure to conserve anything has rightly become the stuff of memes. One reason why Conservatives have proven utterly ineffective at stopping the Left is that Conservatism is really just slow motion Liberalism. It accepts the basic Liberal premise enshrining freedom detached from the good as an…
Combat Frame Data: GCD-01B Pollux

Combat Frame Data: GCD-01B Pollux

GCD-01B Pollux Technical Data Model number: GCD-01B Code name: Pollux Classification: heavy armor defense combat drone Manufacturer: Lunar Underground modification of a Zeklov-Astraea design Operator: HALO/Lunar Underground First deployment: CY 40 Crew: integrated strong A.I. Height: 18 meters Weight: 97 metric tons Armor type: "1D" carbyne laminar armor in dual-layer "heavy armor" configuration Powerplant: x2 cold fusion reactor, max output 1727…
The Blue Light

The Blue Light

Of all the true tales of high strangeness I've shared with you, none scare me more than this one. Joe--true name withheld for reasons that will become obvious--grew up in the 60s in one of the more upscale Chicago suburbs. After college he returned to his hometown and settled into…
End of the Amazon Revolution

End of the Amazon Revolution

If you travel in the circles where this blog is read, you already know that yesterday Amazon nuked preorders for Jon Del Arroz's and Declan Finn's latest books. Amazon shut down Jon Del Arroz’s Glorified novel along with Declan Finn’s Deus Vult novel from publisher Silver Empire. Publisher Russell Newquist…
Marketing Millennials

Marketing Millennials

A comment by author JD Cowan on yesterday's viral post demonstrates the deliberate memory holing of Generation Y in this article from 2001. Here at the turn of the real millennium, trend forecasters and futurists are pondering new ways of cross-marketing to all of America's biggest consumer groups. First there was the…