Top Tic Tac

Top Tic Tac

The following report of high strangeness comes courtesy of a respected reader of this blog, whose identity will remain anonymous. You'll soon understand why. So we've got a lot of government UFO stuff coming out of late, with the testimony before Congress that unidentified things keep buzzing our bases and…
Lovely People

Lovely People

Art by Minna SundbergThis just came across my desk. It's a short online graphic novel about bunnies living under a social credit regime.The artist behind Lovely People, Minna Sundberg, is an unapologetic Christian, which probably won't win her much acclaim in her home country of Finland.Here's a representative sample for…


Any honest man who's found his way into dissident politics will admit that seeing the Left-Right paradigm he grew up with unmasked as kabuki theater was one of the hardest red pills to swallow. With the exception of the Zoomers, every living generation of Americans was conditioned to support the…
Get off the Bench

Get off the Bench

Accurate information is required to engage in any kind of conflict, be it social, spiritual, or--and this is best avoided--physical. To paraphrase Sun Tzu, if we lack a realistic understanding of ourselves and our enemy, we can't expect victory. Time to face reality. The enemy spent the last hundred years…
Reaping the Whirlwind

Reaping the Whirlwind

Gen Xers and older may remember how the name Joe McCarthy used to be invoked as a warning against political conformity run amok. It is not insignificant that the Left made McCarthy a curse and a byword with lots of help from their nominal opposition.More than one self-described Libertarian or…
Abusive Parasocial Relationship

Abusive Parasocial Relationship

Before he was driven into soft exile from every major streaming platform, the internet's court jester Mister Metokur declared that the typical YouTuber's career lasts roughly five years. Happily, that window is closing on one of the more odious byproducts of Hollywood's fealty to the Death Cult--nerd culture outrage channels.For…
Moral Panic

Moral Panic

Spend enough time staring into the abyss toward which the Left is hurtling us, and you eventually notice that political ideology is just a thin layer of scum coating the surface. Politics is, after all, the art of properly organizing society toward the greatest good for the most people. It's…
The Biden Boom

The Biden Boom

... has nothing to do with Corona-chan stimulus checks.The picture above looks like a cheap green screen effect from a local TV station weather report. In fact, it's a still from what the Cult media is presenting it as legitimate footage of Joe Biden. With a boom mic that would…
Pope Remains Catholic

Pope Remains Catholic

... to the consternation of many CDS sufferers.Lifesite News reports:A question to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about whether or not the Church has the “power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex” was answered in the “negative” by the congregation’s prefect,…
Chasing the Puck

Chasing the Puck

Trying to jump on the latest big trend, what folks in showbiz call chasing the puck, is a misguided business strategy that all-too-many authors fall for. And not necessarily for the reasons you think.The conventional oldpub wisdom held that an author simply couldn't get a book to market fast enough…