An Oxymoron

An Oxymoron

The recent series of victories against infanticide rendered two valuable services to the Right. First and foremost, they dealt the Death Cult a major blow by seriously curtailing their high sacrament of Moloch worship for the first time in decades. Second, the wave of abortion bans in states like Georgia…

XSeed Secrets: Plot and Pacing

Last night I stopped by the Superversive SF live stream to discuss my new book Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40. My gracious host and the enthusiastic chat brought up lots of tantalizing questions about the mysteries I've planted in the series thus far. I addressed those questions and gave…
The Final White Pill

The Final White Pill

Computing Forever joins the small but growing ranks of prominent YouTubers who are abandoning atheism and returning to the faith of their fathers. CF's account of his teenage break from his childhood Catholic faith, his wanderings through the dark valleys of atheism and Leftism, and the life-altering event that brought…
Adpocalypse II: Chain Reaction

Adpocalypse II: Chain Reaction

A slap fight broke out between a malignant narcissist and an edgy conservative™ this week. That's to be expected from time to time. Edgytarians need to maintain their street cred by occasionally hopping the fence and counting coup over in blue check Twitter. You could get away with it as…
The Fault in Amazon’s Stars

The Fault in Amazon’s Stars

If, like me, you thought books' star ratings on KDP were pure mathematical averages of review scores, Amazon is here to correct that assumption. You can find this message by going to a book's Amazon page, clicking on the number of reviews, shown next to its star rating, and hovering…
Editors Defined

Editors Defined

Since I've received a lot of questions lately about editing and what editors do, now seems like a good time to repost this handy guide. Publishing is an old industry that's assembled its own internal lexicon. As you'll find with any trade, publishing jargon can be difficult for laymen--and even…
Let the Trust Busting Begin

Let the Trust Busting Begin

I and many others who've been censored for dissenting from Big Tech's diabolical campaign of social control have long urged the Trump administration to take the only feasible solution. It is therefore a great pleasure to report that the Justice Department is officially investigating Google for possible antitrust law violations.…
Reavers of the Void

Reavers of the Void

The highly anticipated first book Bradford Walker's Star Knight Saga, Reavers of the Void is now live on Amazon! In the Year of Our Lord 3001, the space pirate Red Eyes brings his pirate fleet to bear against Galactic Christendom. He aims to steal one of its greatest treasures, Countess Gabriela…
Violent Magical Thinking

Violent Magical Thinking

If you still entertain the notion that Hollywood operates primarily from a profit motive, consider the response to Georgia's abortion ban from companies like Netflix and Disney. Bob Iger said it would be “very difficult” for Disney to keep filming in Georgia if the state enacts a new abortion law. …
Masculinity Quiz Answers

Masculinity Quiz Answers

In our previous post, I gave a quiz testing readers' understanding of masculinity. Many thanks to those who posted their answers in the comments. It's encouraging to see such a high level of participation. For those just joining us, and as a reminder, readers were presented with five sets of…